Trainer's Profile

Norsanina Binti Abdul Hamid

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Teaching Experience for industry 

Presenter in Doctoral Colloquium arrange by Taylor’s University Business School on 07th September 2015.

Panel speakers for Anjung Eksklusif Catering Sdn. Bhd. event on the title of “Financial planning for newly married couple” on 13 December 2014

Awards and Certificates 

Recipient of  MyPhD Scholarship under Ministry of Education Malaysia dated June 2014 to June 2017 in conjunction with PhD study in Taylors Lakeside University, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Awarded as a lifelong certified trainer by Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia for the “Train The Trainer” program in collaboration with Asia Private Limited in 2013.

What is meant by subprime mortgage crisis? Does it affect our Malaysia’s economy?

Retrospective: Self-Reflective & Academic Validation

In the pursuit of achieving my life’s goals and championing the idea of sustainability and self-sustainability within oneself I learned that my journey of self-realization could fully be translated by immersing myself to the academia world and actively contributing and sharing my research undertakings for the benefits and betterment of society at large.

My one important contribution in academic field would be to my self-experiential learning in banking-entrepreneurship-practice, specializing in ‘practice for theory’ in the specific studies of Economics & Marketing. Therefore, the ultimate aim of my transition in changing career from banking to teaching is to put my 12 years of experiences into a significant teaching model based on real practice. As universities grow hand in hand with three different aspects in learning process - which include industrial & community engagement, research & innovation and academic; and for this, I have the belief that my academic contribution is leaning on a particular niche area of banking practice – relating industry and its relationship with teaching methodology and pedagogy. In addition to this, I am pursuing a cross disciplinary research project for my PhD, engaging three significant key texts: ‘methodology/pedagogy’, ‘consumer behavior’ & ‘Islamic financing’


University of Southern Queensland     
Master in Business Administration                 

Informatics Institute
Diploma in Computer Studies    


Certified translator for English to Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Malaysia to English. 
Attended Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books (ITBM) translation short course dated 09th
January to 20th January 2017.

Class Attended

  • Housewife Enhancement and Reactive Talent Scheme (HEARTS) - Train the Trainer Module

  • Millionnaire Marketing Mastery

  • Roket Pemasaran Momentum 

Life Insurance, General Insurance, Wealth Planner 

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