Buku Buku

Jenis buku yang aku baca bulan ni, biasanya aku baca lebih dari 3 kali, konklusi selepas baca 3 kali dan berkali kali. 

Buku yang menghiburkan - Mark Manson
Buku yang menakutkan - Eckhart Tolle
Buku latihan jasmani - James Clear
Buku yang agak sentap - Wallace D Wattles

Buku yang aku rasa segar setiap kali baca macam pertama kali baca setiap kali baca, terjemahan Al Quran in English dan Bahasa Melayu

November Rain

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Norsanina - Motivation Speaker & Author


Motivation Speaker & Author

About Me

I'm a 49-year-old PhD student, passionate about motivating and inspiring others. I'm also an author with a love for reading and writing content. I share my life with two wonderful cats.

Contact Information

Email: norsanina@gmail.com

Phone: +6016-2551085

All of us want to escape from something's?

Template for writing
1. Original work - colloquial
2. Normal conversation - Business Version
3. A simpler version for a fifth-grade audience.


Original work - colloquial
All of us want to escape from something's?

We build fantasy almost every time without realising. Be it at the traffic light or the shop and anywhere. We wnt to escape feom red light, we want it to be green colour so that we can continue our journey. Our journey is what we want, we enjoy it. We enjoy the process of going somewhere.

What happen once we reach the destination. Same old thing we said to ourself. We crave for more thing, more excitement. 

5 th grade
A simpler version for a fifth-grade audience:

Title: "Always Wanting More Adventures"

All of us want to get away from everyday life sometimes. We often create daydreams without even realizing it, whether we're waiting at a red traffic light or shopping in a store. We wish the red light would turn green so we can keep going on our journey. It's the journey that's the most fun, and we enjoy going to new places.

But when we finally get to where we're going, it's kind of like déjà vu. We end up wanting more, wanting more excitement, and the cycle of wanting more adventures goes on.

Normal conversation - Business Version
Title: "The Endless Pursuit of Escapes"

We all yearn to break free from the clutches of reality. Unbeknownst to us, we weave fantasies constantly, whether we're waiting at a traffic light or strolling through a store – anywhere we go. We wish the red light would transform into a welcoming shade of green, allowing us to continue our journey. It's the journey itself that holds our fascination. We revel in the experience of moving towards a destination.

But what happens when we finally reach that destination? It's a familiar refrain we whisper to ourselves. We find ourselves craving more, hungering for greater excitement. The cycle of escape and desire persists.

Tajuk: "Sentiasa Mahu Pengembaraan Kehadapan"

Semua orang ingin melepaskan diri dari rutin kehidupan seharian. Seringkali kita membina khayalan tanpa kita sedari, sama ada kita sedang menunggu lampu isyarat lalu lintas atau berbelanja di kedai atau di mana-mana sahaja kita berada. Kita berharap lampu merah akan bertukar menjadi hijau supaya kita boleh meneruskan perjalanan kita.

Apa yang kita perlu sedar proses perjalanan itu sendirilah yang paling menarik , dan kita teruja di dalam proses pergi ke tempat-tempat baru.

Tetapi apabila kita sampai ke destinasi itu, ia seperti perasaan yang pernah kita rasai. Kita rasa bosan dan tidak teruja lagi. Kita mahu lebih, mahu lebih cabaran, dan mahu pengembaraan terus berlanjutan. Ini adalah proses kehidupan. Terus bertunas di dalam diri. 

Decision, choice, and accountability

Decision, choice, and accountability

We often find ourselves at the crossroads of decision-making, and the challenge lies in reaching a conclusion. How do we make choices, and how can we ensure accountability for the decisions we make?

The answers to those questions can vary depending on the specific situation and context, but generally:

1. **Coming to Conclusions on Decision-Making:**
   - Consider the available information: Gather relevant data and facts about the choices you have.
   - Weigh the pros and cons: Evaluate the potential outcomes and consequences of each option.
   - Consider your values and goals: Align your decisions with your personal values and long-term objectives.
   - Seek advice: Consult with trusted friends, family, or colleagues for different perspectives.
   - Trust your intuition: Sometimes, gut feelings can be valuable in the decision-making process.

2. **Accountability for Your Choices:**
   - Own your decisions: Take responsibility for the choices you make, whether they turn out well or not.
   - Learn from your decisions: Treat them as opportunities for personal growth and learning.
   - Communicate and explain: If your decisions affect others, be open and transparent about your thought process.
   - Adjust if necessary: If a decision leads to undesired outcomes, be willing to adapt and make corrections.

Ultimately, the key is to make informed, well-considered decisions and take responsibility for the consequences, fostering a sense of accountability and personal growth.

Ulasan Buku - Mark Manson

Dont get me wrong, this is a self help book. 

I find it easier to understand and applied what i read because the flow and the tone set in the book.

I leave my cat at home and they are depressed

5 malam aku tak balik tidur di rumah, aku tidur di rumah anak aku. Waktu siang aku balik dan bagi depa makan.

Pada kita, bila kucing makan, mesti semua keperluan mereka di penuhi. Tetapi dari observations aku. Mereka perlukan lebih dari makanan. Mereka perlukan masa kita. Kita kena bermain main dengan mereka. They miss the night that i am home and play with them. 5 nights alone is more than what they could take. 

Mereka sakit, mogok tak mahu makan. Mereka muntah dan cirit birit.  Aku rasa mereka depress dan keracunan makanan. It could be that they eat cockroaches or eat leftover that is no longer edible or they snort sulphur that i use to prevent ant in my house.

Title: The Importance of Quality Time for Your Feline Companions

For five nights, I didn't return home to sleep. Instead, I stayed at my child's house. During the day, I would come back and feed my cats.

In our culture, when it comes to our cats, we often think that providing them with food is enough to meet all their needs. However, through my observations, I've come to realize that they require more than just sustenance. They need our time and attention. We must engage with them and play with them. They miss the nights when I'm home, playing with them. Five nights of solitude is more than they can bear.

They became unwell, refusing to eat, vomiting, and experiencing diarrhea. I believe they are experiencing depression and possibly food poisoning. It's possible they consumed cockroaches or ate leftovers that were no longer safe, or perhaps they ingested sulfur, which I use to deter ants in my house.

225 - Confesssion in Bahasa Malaysia

Norsanina.blogspot.com Pengenalan Kelahiran AlGhazali   Aboû Hâmid Muhammed Ibn Muhammad AlGhazali dilahirkan di kota Tus, Khurasan, pada ta...