I leave my cat at home and they are depressed

5 malam aku tak balik tidur di rumah, aku tidur di rumah anak aku. Waktu siang aku balik dan bagi depa makan.

Pada kita, bila kucing makan, mesti semua keperluan mereka di penuhi. Tetapi dari observations aku. Mereka perlukan lebih dari makanan. Mereka perlukan masa kita. Kita kena bermain main dengan mereka. They miss the night that i am home and play with them. 5 nights alone is more than what they could take. 

Mereka sakit, mogok tak mahu makan. Mereka muntah dan cirit birit.  Aku rasa mereka depress dan keracunan makanan. It could be that they eat cockroaches or eat leftover that is no longer edible or they snort sulphur that i use to prevent ant in my house.

Title: The Importance of Quality Time for Your Feline Companions

For five nights, I didn't return home to sleep. Instead, I stayed at my child's house. During the day, I would come back and feed my cats.

In our culture, when it comes to our cats, we often think that providing them with food is enough to meet all their needs. However, through my observations, I've come to realize that they require more than just sustenance. They need our time and attention. We must engage with them and play with them. They miss the nights when I'm home, playing with them. Five nights of solitude is more than they can bear.

They became unwell, refusing to eat, vomiting, and experiencing diarrhea. I believe they are experiencing depression and possibly food poisoning. It's possible they consumed cockroaches or ate leftovers that were no longer safe, or perhaps they ingested sulfur, which I use to deter ants in my house.

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