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The Best Words to Describe the INTP

Learn about the best words to describe the INTP personality type


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How do other people see and describe INTPs?

Of all the introverted types, INTPs tend to be the least agreeable or the most demanding, which can overshadow how others perceive them. At best, they may be seen as curt, terse, or forceful, but their reluctance to sugarcoat their words can lead them to appear impolite, rude, harsh, or even disrespectful.

The wordcloud below shows over 50 words used to describe INTPs. Bigger words describe the more prominent aspects of INTPs.

Adjectives describing the INTP

Adjectives used to describe INTPs

Many people may actively avoid interpersonal conflicts and arguments, but INTPs feel comfortable in these otherwise uncomfortable situations. Their willingness to get to the bottom of things, even if it means hurting some feelings, can come off as combative, antagonistic, insensitive, and quarrelsome.

INTPs’ high introversion also means they tend to express fewer positive emotions and less enthusiasm in social situations. To others, they may seem cynical, joyless, glum, or detached.

If you believe you are an INTP but think the above description is unfair, remember that no two INTPs are alike. Personality types are an overly simplistic way to describe a single individual, and nobody fits neatly into any type. You can see your personality’s own unique set of words with TraitLab’s free Personality Wordcloud tool.

Compassionate or cynical? Combative or cooperative? Sentimental or insensitive? Discover 100+ words that describe your unique personality.


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Compassionate or cynical? Combative or cooperative? Sentimental or insensitive? Discover 100+ words that describe your unique personality.

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20 adjectives for describing the INTP personality type

Below are the definitions (credit: wiktionary.org) of 20 adjectives that are usually good descriptions of the INTP personality type.

cynical: Skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others

skeptical: Having, or expressing doubt; questioning

detached: Having or showing no bias or emotional involvement; disinterested; not influenced by anyone else

aloof: Reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant; standoffish

individualistic: More interested in individual people than in society as a whole; Having idiosyncratic behaviour or ideas

insensitive: Expressing or feeling little or no concern, care, compassion, or consideration for the feelings, emotions, sentiments, or concerns of other people; inconsiderate or incompassionate

demanding: Requiring hard work, endurance, or patience from others

inner-directed: Tending to follow one’s own rules rather than those of society

unemotional: Reasoned and objective, involving reason or intellect rather than feelings

introspective: Examining one’s own perceptions and sensory experiences; contemplative or thoughtful about oneself

unconventional: Not adhering to convention or accepted standards

curt: Brief or terse, especially to the point of being rude

untalkative: unwilling to talk; taciturn; refusing to speak

guarded: Cautious; restrained

meditative: Thoughtful; pensive

contemplative: Inclined to contemplate; introspective and thoughtful; meditative

secretive: Having an inclination to secrecy

deliberate: Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; slow in determining

eccentric: Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently; unconventional and slightly strange

indirect: Not direct; Not involving the quickest, shortest, or most convenient path


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