192 Life and death

Kehidupan ini penghalang untuk sampai ke sana.

Life is a hindrant to get to you
Space is the bridge in between life and death, here and there
Dhikr is the currency to level up

Is there any shortcut to go there
But you may elevate by using a catalyst
Many things is here and created for you to use as a catalyst

Smell nice flower, ignite your senses, ingnite all if you can 

Find one, hold on to it, expand from there.

Business linggo

Life is a veil that keeps us from you,
Space, the bridge between life and the unknown.
Dhikr, our currency, a path to ascend anew.

Are there shortcuts to where dreams are sown?
None exist, yet catalysts can speed the climb,
In this world, tools and gifts are widely strewn.

Inhale sweet flowers, awaken senses sublime,
Seek one, grasp it, let your spirit bloom,
From there, expand your world, through time.

Fifth Grade
Life is a veil that keeps us from you,
Space, the bridge between life and the unknown.
Dhikr, our currency, a path to ascend anew.

Are there shortcuts to where dreams are sown?
None exist, yet catalysts can speed the climb,
In this world, tools and gifts are widely strewn.

Inhale sweet flowers, awaken senses sublime,
Seek one, grasp it, let your spirit bloom,
From there, expand your world, through time.

Bahasa Malaysia
Here's the poem in Bahasa Malaysia:

Hidup bagaikan tembok menghalang cahaya yang hakiki,
Ruang adalah jalan di antara yang dikenali dan yang baru.
Dhikr adalah alat untuk mengatasi diri.

Adakah terdapat jalan pintas yang bisa kita tempuh?
Tiada, namun katalis dapat mempercepat perjalanan,
Di dunia ini, alat dan hadiah tersedia untuk kita pelajari.

Ciumlah bunga yang harum, bagai nafas segar yang mendalam,
Carilah satu hal untuk dipegang, luangkan waktu dan perhatian,
Dari situ, tumbuh dan belajarlah, inilah perjalanan yang menarik.

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