174 - Money blockage

10 Ways to Clear Your Money Blocks
I'm not a huge fan of long-winded processes.

Like continuously digging deep into your past to uncover some locked away memory that's been the sole thing holding you back from becoming an author, moving to Buenos Aires and meeting your Argentinian soul mate.

Yes, it's healthy and important to know where a limiting belief came from if you haven't done any work whatsoever on figuring out where they originated. But most people think you need to continue digging deep into your past and re-living the events over and over again to learn more.

This is not true.

The point of clearing money blocks is to stop keeping those low-vibe thoughts and feelings active and clear the field to introduce new helpful and abundant thoughts and feelings so you can record over those old limiting beliefs.

In this post I'm going to share with you ten ways you can start clearing your money blocks today.

So for this post I'm going to share with you ten ways you can start clearing your money blocks today.

1. Clear The Stagnant Energy
When manifesting money, (and anything in your life really), you need to make room for it. Simple. And you do this by decluttering everything physically and mentally that no longer serves you. I did this when I ended my 7 year relationship, bought a one-way ticket to Bali and started traveling as a Digital Nomad full-time. Before I left, I sold everything I owned and lived out of a suitcase for 3 years. That was all I had, and yet I manifested some of the most INCREDIBLE things because of this including soooo much more money. I talk all about this in-depth in my interview on the 'And The Net Appeared' podcast.

Start by doing the obvious, have a huge clearing of your wardrobe, your cupboards, your car, wallet, bedroom, kitchen, lounge, the files on your computer, the drafts in your 'posts' folder on your website. Get rid of anything that no longer serves you at this new level you're wanting to move into. Cleanse your house and gardens. Cull everything. This clears your mind of things that have been sitting way in the back.

When you want to declutter mentally, it's time to look at leaving old memberships to sites or hobbies, groups that no longer interest you, services you no longer use, old friendships that don't seem to work any more, the ex you keep stalking, the programs you offer that no longer match the new level you're heading to and clients that aren't quite the right fit.

2. Release Your Grudges
Forgiveness is so underestimated. Most people don't want to forgive others, especially if that person has wronged them in some way. When you learn to move past that and realize that all forgiveness really is, is a way to set yourself free from what or who was holding you back, you win.

How you clear your money blocks by using forgiveness is by doing this: Write a huge list of every limiting money belief you've ever had, think from birth to present day and any extras in-between. Try to do this uninterrupted. Then when you feel you've gotten everything out, big, small, insignificant, humiliating and so on. Read through each line out loud, feeling the feelings and then say "I forgive, I love you, I'm sorry, thank you." By the end of the list you'll feel like a weight has lifted off your shoulders.

3. Tap Like Your Life Depends On It
So, there's this thing called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT for short) and I'll admit, I find it kind of weird (yes still) BUT, it does work! I haven't done it in a few years because.. well.. I'm rich now. 😂

What I really mean is that I'm calm about money, it's not a "thing" anymore. However when I did do EFT in the early days (when I was trying everything to break through my blocks and change my relationship with money), for those brief moments, it helped me calm tf down about money or anything I was freaking out about.

I'll never forget the day my car ran out of gas on my way to work and I had to walk 2km to the gas station to get petrol. I was having a full on anxiety attack about being late for work, getting in trouble with my boss and losing money so while I was walking I tapped the whole way there. I looked like an idiot to people passing by but it seriously helped me move through the anxiety and calm wayyyy down.

In The Rich Babe Society, I share new tapping videos on releasing blocks around different areas of money. From lack of sales to debt sabotage to creating more abundance. Come and learn more about the membership and see if it's for you.

4. Thank Your Lucky Stars
Another underestimated tool is giving thanks for everything in your life that you currently have, what you've received in the past and will receive in the future. Gratitude is the highest frequency for attraction. You literally become a magnet when you're in true gratitude.

I know people can find it hard to get into this practice, but just like any other practice it takes time to make it a habit. To make it easy, I always start with the people in my life that I'm most grateful for and what about them I love and that's enough to get the momentum going and from there I'll go into what I'm grateful for in the past, present and future. It's the best (and easiest) way to ensure success.

5. Self-Care on Steroids
The more you take care of yourself, the more that being taken care of reflects back to you. The secret is not to try and find someone else who will do it for you, but instead give yourself all the love, nurturing, patience and pampering you require as you move through life. The deeper you can give to yourself, the deeper you can receive love, nurturing, patience, pampering and being taken care of by money, people, life and the universe.

So sit with the sadness, the fear or the scarcity and hold space for yourself while you're struggling, don't dismiss it. Journal out how you're feeling, all the crazy, all the joy, all the uncertainty and release it. Book the massage, blow out or facial and let yourself actually relax into it. Talk sweetly to yourself (I do this with my plants and they're growing so fast and healthy!) and hug yourself as much as you can. Take care of yourself like you're your own daughter. There's only one you.|

6. Get Intimate with Your Money
What you think about, you bring about or what you focus on, grows. So instead of letting yourself be on auto-pilot or worse, not paying deliberate positive attention to your money at all, make it your goal of getting more intimate with money. A great (and easy) way to start is just by checking your bank account every day, observe what comes up when you do (this will show you areas you need to heal and clear).

Pay attention to where your balance tends to sit, where the money goes, how you feel about it and make a note of your income. Start a basic excel spreadsheet and track your money. Don't worry about expenses just yet. Focus on the money coming in, appreciate each cent that's in there and the ones coming in, whether it's money from your business, job or something else. It's safe

7. Write Your Goals Into Reality
There's a power in setting your goals each day. It's like a physical affirmation. Whatever your goal is, be it reach $15k in income this month, book one new client this week or sell 5 products today, write your goal down. Why? Because it gets you to focus, it reaffirms to you what you want and it energetically sets you up for the day to achieve what you've set out to do. Like I said earlier, what you focus on grows (and most focus on lack by default).

8. Do the Journal Work
Seriously, I've found the journal work to be incredibly healing. It's where you can release all the thoughts and feelings (and chaos) going on within. You literally take all of the stuff inside your mind and release it onto paper. It's a physical release.

There's many different ways to do journal work, I always recommend to use it to disprove lies you tell yourself about money and your worthiness of it and write over them with new empowering thoughts and feelings you want to plant. In The Rich Babe Society, I have created a roadmap where we go super deep into healing your relationship with money but to get started, ask yourself what's going on for you right now inside? What are you afraid of? Why is this a lie? What is the new way you want to start looking at this fear? And watch what comes out.

9. Visualize Your Money Goal
Remember when you were a child, and you'd play make-believe alllll the time? Well visualizing is like the adults version of make-believe, but the coolest thing about being an adult and visualizing is that we can literally visualize it into reality.

Think about the financial goal you want to achieve right now and imagine that the money is in your hand or you're logging onto your bank account and seeing the amount when you log in. Imagine like it's already here, how does it feel? Pay attention to that feeling because that's what will help you manifest it and in turn help you weaken your money blocks.

Every month in The Rich Babe Society, I share a brand new guided visualization. related to the monthly theme. From creating an overflow of financial abundance to having an ever-replenishing supply or money to spending money with ease, these guided visualizations elevate and expand your mind and vibration to help you create the rich life of your dreams. Come and learn more about the membership.


10. Zen Out On Meditation

I've had an on/off relationship with meditation but I finally found a way that it works for me (through Yin Yoga). I do them in the morning or evening. My favourite abundance and money guided meditations are by Gabrielle Bernstein.

Sometimes you might not clear the block fully on the first round. That's okay. You will get it. As Robert Collier said, "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out."

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Elise McDowell
« How to Feel Relaxed About MoneyHow to Pay Off Your Debt Without Sabotaging Yourself »

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