101 - 16 types of personalities

It's important to note that personality types are not inherently rare or common in an objective sense; their distribution can vary based on the population sampled. However, based on some historical data and anecdotal observations, here's a general idea of the perceived rarity of certain personality types according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):

1. **INFJ (Advocate):** Often considered one of the rarest types, INFJs are known for their deep empathy and strong sense of purpose.

2. **INTJ (Architect):** INTJs are strategic and analytical thinkers, and they are often perceived as less common in the general population.

3. **ENTJ (Commander):** This personality type is characterized by strong leadership skills and strategic thinking.

4. **INTP (Logician):** Known for their analytical and inventive minds, INTPs are often considered relatively uncommon.

5. **ENFJ (Protagonist):** ENFJs are empathetic and charismatic leaders, and they are considered less common.

6. **ISTJ (Inspector):** ISTJs are known for their reliability and strong sense of duty, and they are relatively common.

7. **ISFJ (Defender):** ISFJs are often described as nurturing and dependable, and they are moderately common.

8. **ENFP (Campaigner):** ENFPs are enthusiastic and creative, and they are moderately rare.

9. **ESFJ (Consul):** ESFJs are sociable and caring individuals, and they are relatively common.

10. **ISTP (Virtuoso):** ISTPs are often described as pragmatic and adventurous, and they are moderately rare.

11. **ISFP (Adventurer):** ISFPs are known for their artistic and free-spirited nature, and they are moderately common.

12. **ESTJ (Executive):** ESTJs are practical and organized leaders, and they are relatively common.

13. **ESFP (Entertainer):** ESFPs are lively and outgoing individuals, and they are moderately common.

14. **ENTP (Debater):** ENTPs are characterized by their curiosity and creativity, and they are moderately rare.

15. **ESTP (Entrepreneur):** ESTPs are often described as bold and action-oriented, and they are relatively common.

16. **INFP (Mediator):** INFPs are known for their idealism and creativity, and they are considered moderately rare.

Remember, these perceptions of rarity are based on various sources and may not reflect precise statistical distributions. The MBTI is a self-report questionnaire, and factors such as cultural differences and individual variability can influence the perceived frequency of different personality types.

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