86 - DISC Personality


DISC Personality 

Year 2023

You have a blend of  D,C, S.


Supportive, and 

Dominant traits. 

Your Cautious traits are probably a little stronger than your Supportive or Dominant traits. Some words that describe you are:


Focused on excellence,

Problem solving, and


You have both outgoing and reserved traits, although you may tend a little towards a reserved perspective. You probably like to follow proven approaches to get things done in a way that protects other people's feelings. It is likely that you prefer to work alone, but you can work collaboratively with others if necessary. Remember, your strongest styles are...

year 2013

Your style is D/C

You have a blend of both Dominant and Cautious traits. Your Dominant traits are probably a little
stronger than your Cautious traits.
Some words that describe you are:



Logical, and


You are more task-oriented than people-oriented, and you probably enjoy analyzing and solving problems. You probably like to get things done quickly and logically. You likely prefer working on projects to interacting with people.

Your natural, or internal, style represents the internal motivations that drive you the most. This is the part of you that is likely to represent how you think or feel about situations more than it represents how you act or behave. Some people say that this represents who you are rather than what you do. It is also the part of you least likely to change throughout your lifetime.

Your adapted, or external, style represents the way that you tend to act or behave. It's the part of you that others are most likely to see. This part of you often represents how you have learned to adapt or adjust your behaviors to be successful in your environment. These behaviors can change depending on the environment you are in or thinking about when you take the assessment.

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