99 - INTP journey

Life is a series of project. 

1.Raising a kid, took some 24 years. 
2. Raising fund for charitable purpose, 3 months. Set goals. To achieve beyond it.
3. Pick a product, challenge yourself to sell it. How you do it. You do it differently by using your traits as a model/ mental model.
4.Blogging, every day struggles. You achieve satisfaction. You stack up the skills. Writing, selling, creating, arranging, presenting to the world. You and your traits are the niche. Sell to your own self. The idea and the products.
4. That is all.

Pick your pain.

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225 - Confesssion in Bahasa Malaysia

Norsanina.blogspot.com Pengenalan Kelahiran AlGhazali   Aboû Hâmid Muhammed Ibn Muhammad AlGhazali dilahirkan di kota Tus, Khurasan, pada ta...