122 - Many times god send you signal

How many times does death occur in your world?

Many time god send you signal to buck up

I am awaken when my head and skull break during my secondary school. But what is there to be understand i am just a kid. Continue with daily chores, collecting memories.

I am dead when my husband leave me. He did that volunteraly. Continue mundane life. Nothing to ponder. No meaning. Useless.

I am alive again, found new love, love of list and carrying responsibility.
I leave him. I am done with him. Volunterily leave him although i still love him. Love is not meant to be together. It is something that i treasured. I will keep those memory. Love is something that i dont want to be attached too. It overshadow the love of god. Live in the moment, love it. 

I am dead again, when i cannot see may daughter every day as what i am being doing for the past 25 years. I lost the reason to be alive.

I am alive again, i found a new hobby, cats. I love cat. I love writing. I am living this life until i am dead again. Now i live in the moment. Come what may, i am going to die anyway. The ultimate.

I want to bring this feeling to another world anyway. I am just a servant to god wills.

In your world, how frequently does death occur?
God sends signals to encourage you multiple times.

I awakened when my head and skull broke during secondary school, but understanding eluded me; after all, I was just a kid. I continued with daily chores, collecting memories.

I faced death when my husband voluntarily left me. Life became mundane with nothing to ponder, no meaning, seemingly useless.

I found new life and love, embracing responsibilities and creating a list. Eventually, I voluntarily left him, still cherishing the memories of love. Love, not meant to be together, remains a treasured part of my past. I avoid becoming too attached, as it can overshadow the love of God. I choose to live in the moment, appreciating it.

Death returned when I couldn't see my daughter every day, a routine for the past 25 years. I lost the reason to stay alive.

Yet, I found life again through new hobbies like loving cats and writing. Living in the moment, I accept whatever comes, acknowledging that death is inevitable.

Softer version.

Many times, God sends signals to awaken you.

I awakened when my head and skull broke during secondary school, but understanding eluded me; after all, I was just a kid. I continued with daily chores, collecting memories.

I faced an awakening when my husband voluntarily left me. Life became mundane with nothing to ponder, no meaning, seemingly useless.

I found new life and love, embracing responsibilities and creating a list. Eventually, I voluntarily left him, still cherishing the memories of love. Love, not meant to be together, remains a treasured part of my past. I avoid becoming too attached, as it can overshadow the love of God. I choose to live in the moment, appreciating it.

Another awakening occurred when I couldn't see my daughter every day, a routine for the past 25 years. I lost the reason to stay awake.

Yet, I found life again through new hobbies like loving cats and writing. Living in the moment, I accept whatever comes, acknowledging that awakening is inevitable.

121 - Jungian personality types 4

Carl Jung's theory on personality identifies four primary psychological functions, which he grouped into four main personality types. These are often referred to as the "Jungian personality types" or "Psychological Types." Here are the four personality types according to Carl Jung:

1. **Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I):**
   - **Extraversion (E):** Individuals with a preference for extraversion are energized by engaging with the external world. They are often outgoing, social, and enjoy interaction with others. Extraverts tend to focus on the outer environment and external stimuli.
   - **Introversion (I):** Those with a preference for introversion are energized by their inner world of thoughts and ideas. They are more reserved, reflective, and prefer solitude or small group settings. Introverts direct their energy inward, focusing on their thoughts and feelings.

2. **Sensing (S) - Intuition (N):**
   - **Sensing (S):** People who prefer sensing pay attention to concrete and practical details in their environment. They rely on their five senses and are attentive to the facts. Sensing types often appreciate a realistic and pragmatic approach to problem-solving.
   - **Intuition (N):** Individuals with a preference for intuition focus on possibilities, patterns, and the future. They are more inclined towards abstract thinking and are interested in innovation and creativity. Intuitive types may be less concerned with concrete details and more focused on the big picture.

3. **Thinking (T) - Feeling (F):**
   - **Thinking (T):** Those who prefer thinking make decisions based on logic and objective analysis. They are often perceived as rational and may prioritize consistency and fairness. Thinking types value truth and may appear more detached when making decisions.
   - **Feeling (F):** Individuals with a feeling preference make decisions based on personal values and the impact on people. They are often empathetic, considerate, and value harmony in relationships. Feeling types prioritize the human element and may be more subjective in their decision-making.

4. **Judging (J) - Perceiving (P):**
   - **Judging (J):** People with a judging preference prefer structure, organization, and planning. They are decisive, like closure, and prefer a planned and organized approach to life. Judging types are often goal-oriented and enjoy completing tasks.
   - **Perceiving (P):** Those who prefer perceiving are adaptable, spontaneous, and flexible. They are more open-ended and prefer to go with the flow, keeping their options open. Perceiving types are often comfortable with uncertainty and enjoy the process rather than strict planning.

It's important to note that in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is based on Jung's theory, individuals are often assigned a four-letter code based on their preferences in each of these four dichotomies (e.g., ENFP for Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving). Each combination results in 16 possible personality types.

1. **Ekstrovert (E) - Introvert (I):**
   - **Ekstrovert (E):** Individu yang cenderung ke arah ekstrovert diaktifkan dengan berinteraksi dengan dunia luar. Mereka sering bersemangat, bersosial, dan menikmati interaksi dengan orang lain. Ekstrovert cenderung memberi tumpuan kepada persekitaran luar dan rangsangan luaran.
   - **Introvert (I):** Mereka yang cenderung ke arah introvert diaktifkan dengan dunia dalaman pemikiran dan idea mereka. Mereka lebih bersikap bersederhana, merenung, dan lebih suka kesunyian atau dalam kumpulan kecil. Introvert mengarahkan tenaga mereka ke dalam, memberi tumpuan kepada pemikiran dan perasaan mereka sendiri.

2. **Deria (S) - Intuisi (N):**
   - **Deria (S):** Individu yang lebih suka deria memberi tumpuan kepada butiran konkrit dan praktikal dalam persekitaran mereka. Mereka bergantung kepada lima deria mereka dan memberi tumpuan kepada fakta. Orang yang lebih suka deria sering menghargai pendekatan realistik dan pragmatik dalam penyelesaian masalah.
   - **Intuisi (N):** Individu yang cenderung ke arah intuisi memberi tumpuan kepada kemungkinan, corak, dan masa depan. Mereka lebih cenderung ke arah pemikiran abstrak dan berminat dalam inovasi dan kreativiti. Orang yang lebih suka intuisi mungkin kurang risau tentang butiran konkrit dan lebih memberi tumpuan kepada gambaran keseluruhan.

3. **Pemikiran (T) - Perasaan (F):**
   - **Pemikiran (T):** Mereka yang lebih suka pemikiran membuat keputusan berdasarkan logik dan analisis objektif. Mereka sering dilihat sebagai rasional dan mungkin memberi keutamaan kepada konsistensi dan keadilan. Orang yang lebih suka pemikiran menghargai kebenaran dan mungkin kelihatan lebih terputus hubungan emosi semasa membuat keputusan.
   - **Perasaan (F):** Individu yang mempunyai kecenderungan perasaan membuat keputusan berdasarkan nilai peribadi dan kesan terhadap orang. Mereka sering empatik, prihatin, dan menghargai harmoni dalam hubungan. Orang yang lebih suka perasaan memberi keutamaan kepada unsur manusia dan mungkin lebih subjektif dalam membuat keputusan.

4. **Menghakimi (J) - Menerima (P):**
   - **Menghakimi (J):** Orang yang cenderung ke arah menghakimi mengutamakan struktur, organisasi, dan perancangan. Mereka adalah orang yang tegas, suka kepastian, dan lebih suka pendekatan hidup yang dirancang dan teratur. Orang yang lebih suka menghakimi sering berorientasikan matlamat dan menikmati menyelesaikan tugasan.
   - **Menerima (P):** Mereka yang lebih suka menerima adalah orang yang mudah menyesuaikan, spontan, dan fleksibel. Mereka lebih terbuka dan lebih suka mengikuti aliran, menyimpan peluang terbuka. Orang yang lebih suka menerima sering selesa dengan ketidakpastian dan menikmati proses berbanding perancangan yang ketat.
Carl Jung's theory on personality identifies four primary psychological functions, which he grouped into four main personality types. These are often referred to as the "Jungian personality types" or "Psychological Types." Here are the four personality types according to Carl Jung:

1. **Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I):**
   - **Extraversion (E):** Individuals with a preference for extraversion are energized by engaging with the external world. They are often outgoing, social, and enjoy interaction with others. Extraverts tend to focus on the outer environment and external stimuli.
   - **Introversion (I):** Those with a preference for introversion are energized by their inner world of thoughts and ideas. They are more reserved, reflective, and prefer solitude or small group settings. Introverts direct their energy inward, focusing on their thoughts and feelings.

2. **Sensing (S) - Intuition (N):**
   - **Sensing (S):** People who prefer sensing pay attention to concrete and practical details in their environment. They rely on their five senses and are attentive to the facts. Sensing types often appreciate a realistic and pragmatic approach to problem-solving.
   - **Intuition (N):** Individuals with a preference for intuition focus on possibilities, patterns, and the future. They are more inclined towards abstract thinking and are interested in innovation and creativity. Intuitive types may be less concerned with concrete details and more focused on the big picture.

3. **Thinking (T) - Feeling (F):**
   - **Thinking (T):** Those who prefer thinking make decisions based on logic and objective analysis. They are often perceived as rational and may prioritize consistency and fairness. Thinking types value truth and may appear more detached when making decisions.
   - **Feeling (F):** Individuals with a feeling preference make decisions based on personal values and the impact on people. They are often empathetic, considerate, and value harmony in relationships. Feeling types prioritize the human element and may be more subjective in their decision-making.

4. **Judging (J) - Perceiving (P):**
   - **Judging (J):** People with a judging preference prefer structure, organization, and planning. They are decisive, like closure, and prefer a planned and organized approach to life. Judging types are often goal-oriented and enjoy completing tasks.
   - **Perceiving (P):** Those who prefer perceiving are adaptable, spontaneous, and flexible. They are more open-ended and prefer to go with the flow, keeping their options open. Perceiving types are often comfortable with uncertainty and enjoy the process rather than strict planning.

It's important to note that in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is based on Jung's theory, individuals are often assigned a four-letter code based on their preferences in each of these four dichotomies (e.g., ENFP for Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving). Each combination results in 16 possible personality types.

1. **Ekstrovert (E) - Introvert (I):**
   - **Ekstrovert (E):** Individu yang cenderung ke arah ekstrovert diaktifkan dengan berinteraksi dengan dunia luar. Mereka sering bersemangat, bersosial, dan menikmati interaksi dengan orang lain. Ekstrovert cenderung memberi tumpuan kepada persekitaran luar dan rangsangan luaran.
   - **Introvert (I):** Mereka yang cenderung ke arah introvert diaktifkan dengan dunia dalaman pemikiran dan idea mereka. Mereka lebih bersikap bersederhana, merenung, dan lebih suka kesunyian atau dalam kumpulan kecil. Introvert mengarahkan tenaga mereka ke dalam, memberi tumpuan kepada pemikiran dan perasaan mereka sendiri.

2. **Deria (S) - Intuisi (N):**
   - **Deria (S):** Individu yang lebih suka deria memberi tumpuan kepada butiran konkrit dan praktikal dalam persekitaran mereka. Mereka bergantung kepada lima deria mereka dan memberi tumpuan kepada fakta. Orang yang lebih suka deria sering menghargai pendekatan realistik dan pragmatik dalam penyelesaian masalah.
   - **Intuisi (N):** Individu yang cenderung ke arah intuisi memberi tumpuan kepada kemungkinan, corak, dan masa depan. Mereka lebih cenderung ke arah pemikiran abstrak dan berminat dalam inovasi dan kreativiti. Orang yang lebih suka intuisi mungkin kurang risau tentang butiran konkrit dan lebih memberi tumpuan kepada gambaran keseluruhan.

3. **Pemikiran (T) - Perasaan (F):**
   - **Pemikiran (T):** Mereka yang lebih suka pemikiran membuat keputusan berdasarkan logik dan analisis objektif. Mereka sering dilihat sebagai rasional dan mungkin memberi keutamaan kepada konsistensi dan keadilan. Orang yang lebih suka pemikiran menghargai kebenaran dan mungkin kelihatan lebih terputus hubungan emosi semasa membuat keputusan.
   - **Perasaan (F):** Individu yang mempunyai kecenderungan perasaan membuat keputusan berdasarkan nilai peribadi dan kesan terhadap orang. Mereka sering empatik, prihatin, dan menghargai harmoni dalam hubungan. Orang yang lebih suka perasaan memberi keutamaan kepada unsur manusia dan mungkin lebih subjektif dalam membuat keputusan.

4. **Menghakimi (J) - Menerima (P):**
   - **Menghakimi (J):** Orang yang cenderung ke arah menghakimi mengutamakan struktur, organisasi, dan perancangan. Mereka adalah orang yang tegas, suka kepastian, dan lebih suka pendekatan hidup yang dirancang dan teratur. Orang yang lebih suka menghakimi sering berorientasikan matlamat dan menikmati menyelesaikan tugasan.
   - **Menerima (P):** Mereka yang lebih suka menerima adalah orang yang mudah menyesuaikan, spontan, dan fleksibel. Mereka lebih terbuka dan lebih suka mengikuti aliran, menyimpan peluang terbuka. Orang yang lebih suka menerima sering selesa dengan ketidakpastian dan menikmati proses berbanding perancangan yang ketat.

123 - Questions to ask on evaluating a project

Project management or planning:

1. **1H: How**
2. **1W: Where**
3. **1W: When**
4. **1W: What**
5. **1W: Who**

These represent key questions to consider when planning or evaluating a project.

120 - Persona yang seorang ada

Pelbagai trait menurut kajian.

Perbezaannya ialah berapa besar perkara itu membentuk kita. 

Setiap manusia ada kebaikan dan ada keburukan. Jumlahnya berbeza walau kecil atau besar saiznya.

Respondent responses to 3 different test
1.Intp - rp is more j than p
Code six teen

2.infp - 
Code ph

3.Intj - tj is more p than j
Code scj

4. Infp - the idealist
A code pp


Apa persamaan
IN , fp, tj

116 - DISC personality test

DISC personality test 

Product Description
DISC is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, leadership, sales, and communication.

DISC measures your personality and behavioral style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values.

DISC profiles describe human behavior in various situations, for example how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace and how you respond to rules and procedures.

The DiSC model discusses four reference points:

Dominance–direct, strong-willed and forceful
Influence–sociable, talkative and lively
Steadiness–gentle, accommodating and soft-hearted
Conscientiousness–private, analytical and logical

The test instrument and the profile results are designed so that they're easy to understand and recall your behavioral style and insights. The writing is engaging and the visuals are memorable. Facilitation resources are available to guide and reinforce learning.

⭐ Must see before buying ⭐
* Please provide Email address (Email)

DISC test sent by
* DISC reports are sent by email  

DISC test report
* After completing all the test questions

❤Five-star reviews❤

Price RM15
I'm selling Personality Test - For Career for RM15.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://shope.ee/3fdx6VhcQE

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118 - Contributor's Biodata

👩‍🎓 **[Your Full Name]**

📍 Based in Malaysia

🎓 **PhD Student | Adult Learning Specialist**

📚 Holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia

💼 Over two decades of expertise in the mortgage industry since 2002

🏦 Worked with renowned institutions: Standard Chartered Bank, Bumiputra Commerce Bank, Affin Bank, and Kumpulan Maybank

🔍 Started as a Mortgage Consultant and left the banking sector in May 2012

🧠 Passionate about **Social Psychology**

🌟 Believes that true job satisfaction goes beyond chasing the highest commission

✍️ [Your Blog Name] Contributor

119 - Assessing Reliability: Exploring Diverse Personality Tests

Understanding Reliability in Various Personality Tests: Exploring Different Assessment Approaches.

Regardless of the specific test you choose, many have undergone rigorous cycles ensuring their reliability is beyond question and nearly aligned with the intended measurement. However, every measurement process has its flaws; it cannot encompass all facets. As humans, we are prone to errors, yet the iterative process guides us toward near-perfection.

Our decisions often lean towards biases shaped by past experiences and expectations from a particular action. The accuracy of results in line with our belief system matters, influencing the actions we take to improve the situation.

Questionnaires used in tests represent specific values for measurement. The answers provided are then tested against the theory, aiming to demonstrate its applicability.

Notes : Popper proposed falsifiability as the cornerstone solution to both the problem of induction and the problem of demarcation. He insisted that, as a logical criterion, falsifiability is distinct from the related concept "capacity to be proven wrong" discussed in Lakatos's falsificationism.Even being a logical criterion, its purpose is to make the theory predictive and testable, and thus useful in practice.Popper contrasted falsifiability to the intuitively similar concept of verifiability that was then current in logical positivism. He argues that the only way to verify a claim such as "All swans are white" would be if one could theoretically
observe all swans, which is not possible. Instead, falsifiability searches for the
anomalous instance, such that observing a single black swan is theoretically reasonable and sufficient to logically falsify the claim. On the other hand, the Duhem–Quine thesis says that
definitive experimental falsifications are impossible and that no scientific hypothesis is by itself capable of making predictions, because an empirical test of the hypothesisrequires one or more background assumptions.

115 - Along tidak boleh menjadi sebaik angah

Along tidak boleh jadi sebaik angah.

You feel that you did not fit in?

Your size does not not fit anywhere in the said environment.

Dont get mislead by the title, for this sentence, "Along tidak boleh jadi sebaik angah" i really mean a comparison between 2 objects.

It could be read as.

Angah tidak boleh jadi sebaik along.
Saya tidak boleh jadi sebagus awak.
Oren tidak akan jadi semanis epal.
Pelajar tercorot tidak boleh menjadi pelajar teratas. 
Volverine tidak boleh menjadi seperti Ironman.

Semua perkara di atas berlaku kerana anda tidak mengenali personaliti anda. Jika anda tahu dari awal perkara yang
anda mampu dan minat. Hidup anda akan lebih tenang dan bermakna. 

I'm selling Personality Test - For Career for RM15.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://shope.ee/3fdx6VhcQE

111 - Kisah Kejanggalan dan penderitaan kecelaruan Identiti


Ringkasan Cerita : 

Photo by Liza Summer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/depressed-young-lady-shutting-ears-sitting-on-chair-6382636/

Pada usia 49, Evelyn, seorang individu dengan personaliti INTP, menemui dirinya yang sebenar melalui ujian personaliti. Selepas sepuluh tahun sebagai jurujual bank, dia menceburi dunia keusahawanan, mencuba bidang pemasaran affiliate tetapi menghadapi cabaran. 

Mengaplikasikan inteleknya, dia melanjutkan pendidikan dan menemui kegemarannya dalam penyelidikan. Pada usia senja, dia sedar akan sifat sebenarnya, berubah menjadi seorang penyelidik yang cemerlang. Perjalanan Evelyn mencerminkan kemenangan penemuan diri, dari kerjaya yang tidak sejajar dengan personaliti hingga merangkul kepuasan di dalam diri."

Memeterai Diri: Perjalanan Melalui Identiti Tersasar dan Jiwa yang Terhimpit
Labirin Identiti: Penderitaan Jiwa Terungkap
Desiran Jiwa: Menavigasi Labirin Identiti
Dilema Jiwa: Kisah Kejanggalan dan penderitaan kecelaruan Identiti

Kisah Evelyn 
Di bandar kecil Serenityville, terletak di antara bukit yang hijau dan sungai yang mengalir, tinggal seorang wanita bernama Evelyn. Pada usia 49 tahun, dia merasa berada di persimpangan hidupnya, merenungkan pilihan yang telah membawanya ke tempat dia berdiri sekarang. Serenityville, dalam segala hal, adalah tempat yang indah, tetapi Evelyn merasa gelisah di dalam dirinya yang tidak dapat dia hilangkan.

Evelyn adalah seorang INTP, sejenis personaliti yang berkembang dengan penerokaan idea dan pencarian intelektual. Namun, sepanjang sebahagian besar hidupnya, dia terperangkap di dalam dinding sebuah bank, menghitung angka dan menjual produk kewangan sebagai seorang jurujual. Ia adalah pekerjaan yang memuaskan, membayar bil dan membawa kestabilan, tetapi tidak pernah sepenuhnya sejajar dengan sifat sebenarnya Evelyn.

Suatu hari, semasa melayari internet mencari jawapan untuk kegelisahannya, Evelyn tersandung pada ujian personaliti. Teruja, dia memutuskan untuk mengambilnya, menjawab soalan-soalan dengan jujur mengenai keutamaan, kecenderungan, dan tindak balasnya terhadap pelbagai situasi. Apabila keputusan keluar, satu pendedahan terbentang di hadapannya – INTP, Si Logik.

Penerangan itu bersesuaian dengannya dengan sangat mendalam. Ia menjelaskan kecenderungannya untuk pemikiran abstrak, cintanya untuk menyelesaikan masalah kompleks, dan keperluannya yang berterusan untuk pemacu intelektual. Bagai kabut dalam pikirannya terangkat, dan tiba-tiba, Evelyn melihat dirinya dengan cara yang baru.

Fikirannya dipenuhi dengan pemikiran tentang satu dekad yang lalu dalam sebuah profesion yang tidak sepenuhnya sejajar dengan kecenderungan semulajadinya. Seorang jurujual di bank – peranan yang menuntut interaksi sosial, kepatuhan kepada rutin, dan tumpuan kepada praktikaliti. Ia adalah satu perbezaan ketara dengan apa yang diinginkan hati sejati Evelyn.

Dengan kesedaran diri yang baru, Evelyn membuat keputusan yang berani. Dia memutuskan untuk melepaskan diri dari belenggu korporat yang mengikatnya dan memulakan perjalanan penemuan diri. Dunia keusahawanan menariknya, dan bersama dengannya, janji untuk menetapkan haluan sendiri.

Sebagai seorang INTP, minda Evelyn adalah tanah yang subur untuk idea. Dia menceburi diri dalam dunia pemasaran affiliate, bersemangat untuk memahat nichenya dalam landskap digital. Keberlanjutan mengalir melalui nadinya ketika dia membayangkan masa depan di mana intelek dan kreativitinya akan berkembang. Walau bagaimanapun, realiti mempunyai rancangan lain.

Perjalanan keusahawanan terbukti sukar. Walaupun usahanya yang terbaik, Evelyn menghadapi kegagalan dalam dunia pemasaran affiliate. Keperluan struktur, tuntutan rutin, dan keperluan berterusan untuk interaksi sosial dalam dunia pemasaran bertentangan dengan sifat INTP-nya.

Tanpa putus asa, Evelyn merenung kembali pengalamannya dan melihatnya bukan sebagai kegagalan tetapi sebagai pengajaran. Ia menjadi jelas bahawa kekuatannya terletak dalam bidang penyelidikan dan analisis – kawasan di mana minda logikanya dapat bersinar. Tiba masanya untuk Evelyn berpaling sekali lagi.

Dengan melompat dengan yakin, dia memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pengajiannya, terjun terus ke dalam dunia penyelidikan. Evelyn mengejar bidang yang beresonansi dengan personalitinya, di mana usaha mengejar pengetahuan dan kegembiraan menemui teka-teki yang rumit menjadi utama. Semasa dia meresapkan dirinya dalam dunia akademia, Evelyn menemui rasa puas yang telah elakinya selama bertahun-tahun.

Lewat pada umurnya yang hampir mencapai 50 tahun, Evelyn akhirnya menjalani kehidupan yang selaras dengan diri sejatinya. Dia menjadi seorang penyelidik, menyumbang kepada bidang yang membangkitkan rasa ingin tahunya. Hari-harinya dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan menjelajah, kepuasan menyelesaikan teka-teki yang rumit, dan rasa tujuan yang mendalam yang datang dengan membuat sumbangan bermakna kepada pengetahuan.

Memandang ke belakang, Evelyn tidak dapat tidak terkagum-kagum dengan perjalanan yang telah dia tempuh. Pusingan dan tikungan, naik dan turun – semuanya membawanya kepada saat penemuan diri ini. Serenityville, suatu ketika sebuah bandar kecil di mana Evelyn merasa terkekang, kini telah menjadi latar belakang untuk transformasinya.

Sementara matahari terbenam di atas bukit yang menghijau, Evelyn duduk di bilik kerjanya, dikelilingi oleh buku-buku dan kertas penyelidikan. Senyuman puas melintasi wajahnya, kerana dia telah menemui panggilan sejatinya. Kisah Evelyn, wanita INTP yang berani memeluk diri sejatinya, menjadi inspirasi bagi mereka yang, seperti dia, mencari untuk menjalani hidup yang selaras dengan sifat sejati mereka. 

Klik di sini untuk menjalani ujian personaliti pertama anda
Ujian Percuma
Free DISC Personality Test 

Ujian Tambahan 
Klik di sini untuk menjalani ujian personaliti kedua anda, membolehkan anda membanding dan menilai dengan pelbagai alat sehingga anda menemui padanan yang sempurna untuk anda.
Versi Berbayar (dengan laporan yang menyeluruh)

Level 2 

Bonus dalam laporan berbayar

Pekerjaan/Hobi Disyorkan:
Cabaran dan Kelebihan Anda:
Individu Terkenal yang Memaparkan Sifat Serupa:
Watak Filem yang Selaras dengan Personaliti Anda:
Watak Anime yang Mencerminkan Personaliti Anda:

Personality Test Comprehensive Report for RM29.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://shope.ee/5fP0K3lRSL

Item yang disyorkan dalam senarai di atas direka untuk membawa anda ke arah pencapaian yang lebih besar. Sesuatu yang boleh anda impikan dan capainya untuk peningkatan diri dari keadaan semasa kepada keadaan akan datang

117 - The missing screw

Along tidak boleh jadi sebaik angah.

The test 1. 

114 - Personality Test - Level 2


113 - How to write a short story?


Photo by Porapak Apichodilok: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-reading-book-346839/

How to write a short story 

Various educators teach rules governing the length of paragraphs. They may say that a paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long, or be no more than five or six sentences. But a good paragraph should not be measured in characters,words, or sentences. The true measure of your paragraphs should be ideas.

Write in short paragraphs, typically no more than three sentences per paragraph. Write concise, direct sentences, often no more than 25 words per sentence. At the start of a news summary, focus on the most recent information, including as much as possible about who, what, where, when, why and how.

Most short stories seem to be between 1,500 words and 7,500 words long so about 3- 30 pages long
(a typical printed page is somewhere between 250 and 450 words)  depending on font and print formatting.

Summary +- 50 words

112 - The Soul's Dilemma: A Tale of Identity Confusion and Torment



Unraveling Self: A Journey Through Confused Identity and Tormented Souls
Identity's Labyrinth: A Soul's Torment Unveiled
Whispers of the Soul: Navigating the Maze of Identity
The Soul's Dilemma: A Tale of Identity Confusion and Torment
At 49, Evelyn, an INTP personality, discovered her true self through a personality test. After a decade as a bank salesperson, she ventured into entrepreneurship, trying affiliate marketing but facing setbacks. Embracing her intellect, she pursued further education, finding her forte in research. Late in life, she realized her traits, transforming into a fulfilled researcher. Evelyn's journey reflects the triumph of self-discovery, from misaligned careers to embracing authenticity."

The story : 
In the quiet town of Serenityville, nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, lived a woman named Evelyn. At the age of 49, she found herself at a crossroads in her life, pondering the choices that led her to where she stood. Serenityville was, by all means, a picturesque place, but Evelyn felt a restlessness within her that she couldn't quite shake.

Evelyn was an INTP, a personality type that thrived on exploration of ideas and intellectual pursuits. However, for the better part of her life, she had been confined within the walls of a bank, crunching numbers and selling financial products as a salesperson. It was a respectable job, one that paid the bills and brought stability, but it never quite aligned with Evelyn's true nature.

One day, while browsing the internet in search of answers to her inner turmoil, Evelyn stumbled upon a personality test. Intrigued, she decided to take it, answering questions honestly about her preferences, tendencies, and reactions to various situations. As the results came in, a revelation unfolded before her eyes—INTP, the Logician.

The description resonated with her on a profound level. It explained her penchant for abstract thinking, her love for solving complex problems, and her constant need for intellectual stimulation. It was as if the fog in her mind had lifted, and suddenly, Evelyn saw herself in a new light.

Her mind churned with thoughts of the past decade spent in a profession that never quite aligned with her natural inclinations. A salesperson in a bank—a role that demanded social interaction, adherence to routines, and a focus on practicality. It was a stark contrast to what Evelyn's heart truly desired.

With newfound self-awareness, Evelyn made a bold decision. She decided to break free from the corporate chains that bound her and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The world of entrepreneurship beckoned, and with it, the promise of charting her own course.

As an INTP, Evelyn's mind was a fertile ground for ideas. She delved into the world of affiliate marketing, eager to carve her niche in the digital landscape. Excitement coursed through her veins as she envisioned a future where her intellect and creativity would thrive. However, reality had other plans.

The entrepreneurial journey proved to be a tumultuous one. Despite her best efforts, Evelyn faced setbacks and failures in the realm of affiliate marketing. The need for structure, the demand for routine, and the constant need for social engagement in the marketing world clashed with her INTP nature.

Undeterred, Evelyn reflected on her experiences and saw them not as failures but as lessons. It became apparent that her strength lay in the realm of research and analysis—areas where her logical mind could shine. It was time for Evelyn to pivot once again.

Taking a leap of faith, she decided to further her education, diving headfirst into the world of research. Evelyn pursued a field that resonated with her personality, where the pursuit of knowledge and the thrill of discovery were paramount. As she immersed herself in the world of academia, Evelyn found a sense of fulfillment that had eluded her for years.

Late in her forties, Evelyn was finally living a life that resonated with her true self. She became a researcher, contributing to fields that sparked her intellectual curiosity. Her days were filled with the joy of exploration, the satisfaction of solving intricate puzzles, and the deep sense of purpose that came with making meaningful contributions to knowledge.

Looking back, Evelyn couldn't help but marvel at the journey she had undertaken. The twists and turns, the highs and lows—all had led her to this moment of self-discovery. Serenityville, once a quiet town where Evelyn felt confined, had become the backdrop for her transformation.

As the sun set over the rolling hills, Evelyn sat in her study, surrounded by books and research papers. A content smile graced her face, for she had found her true calling. The story of Evelyn, the INTP woman who dared to embrace her authentic self, became an inspiration for those who, like her, sought to live a life aligned with their true nature.

Click here to take your first personality test 
Free DISC Personality Test 

Optional Test - Level 2 
Click here to undergo your second personality test, allowing you to compare and contrast with a variety of tools until you discover the perfect match for you.
Paid version  (come with a comprehensive report) 

Bonus in the report 
Recommended Occupation/Hobby:
Your Challenges and Strengths:
Prominent Individual Exhibiting Similar Traits:
Movie Character Resonating with Your Personalities:
Anime Character Reflecting Your Personalities:

Personality Test Comprehensive Report for RM29.00. Get it on Shopee now!  https://shope.ee/5fP0K3lRSL           

The suggested option in the aforementioned list is designed to propel you toward greater accomplishments—an avenue for your self-improvement and a destination to anticipate.

 Photo by Liza Summer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/depressed-young-lady-shutting-ears-sitting-on-chair-6382636/

110 - Di Bumi Gratitudeia


Once upon a time in the enchanting realm of Gratitudeia, you, a humble adventurer, embarked on a quest to discover the magical power of gratitude. Guided by whispers of wise creatures, you traversed lush forests and climbed towering mountains, encountering challenges that tested your spirit.

In the heart of Gratitudeia, you discovered the Fountain of Appreciation, its waters shimmering with gratitude's essence. As you dipped your cup into the fountain, the land illuminated with a warm glow. The creatures of the fantasy land gathered, expressing their thanks for your presence and the positive energy you brought.

Photo by Darren Lawrence: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-standing-on-cliff-edge-3822230/

The skies above Gratitudeia erupted in a display of vibrant colors, each hue representing a different aspect of thankfulness. Majestic beings, drawn by your grateful heart, bestowed upon you tokens of wisdom and enchanted artifacts that would forever remind you of the power of appreciation.

As you continued your journey, the very land itself seemed to respond to your gratitude, transforming obstacles into stepping stones and filling the air with a harmonious melody. Your acts of kindness and expressions of thanks became legendary, inspiring others to embrace gratitude in their own adventures.

In the end, you realized that the true magic of Gratitudeia wasn't just in the extraordinary landscapes or mystical creatures but in the transformative power of a grateful heart. And so, surrounded by newfound friends and a land forever changed, you returned home, carrying the spirit of gratitude that had made your fantasy journey truly enchanting.

Di sebuah dunia ajaib yang bernama Gratitudeia, anda, seorang pengembara yang rendah hati, memulakan misi untuk menemui keajaiban kuasa syukur. Dipandu oleh bisikan makhluk bijak, anda melalui hutan hijau dan mendaki gunung tinggi, menghadapi cabaran yang menguji semangat anda.

Di pusat Gratitudeia, anda menemui Puncak Penghargaan, airnya berkilauan dengan esensi syukur. Ketika anda merendam cawan anda ke dalam puncak, tanah ini bersinar dengan sinar yang hangat. Makhluk-makhluk dari dunia fantasi berkumpul, menyatakan terima kasih atas kehadiran anda dan tenaga positif yang anda bawa.

Langit di atas Gratitudeia meletup dalam pertunjukan warna-warni yang menakjubkan, setiap warna mewakili aspek berbeza rasa syukur. Makhluk-makhluk megah, ditarik oleh hati yang bersyukur anda, memberikan anda tanda-tanda hikmah dan artifak ajaib yang akan selalu mengingatkan anda akan kuasa penghargaan.

Sewaktu anda meneruskan perjalanan anda, tanah itu sendiri seolah-olah memberikan respons kepada rasa syukur anda, mengubah halangan menjadi batu loncatan dan mengisi udara dengan melodi yang harmonis. Perbuatan baik anda dan ungkapan terima kasih menjadi legenda, mengilhami orang lain untuk merangkul rasa syukur dalam pengembaraan mereka sendiri.

Pada akhirnya, anda menyedari bahawa keajaiban sebenar Gratitudeia bukanlah hanya dalam landskap yang luar biasa atau makhluk-makhluk mistik, tetapi dalam kuasa transformatif hati yang bersyukur. Dan begitu, dikelilingi oleh rakan-rakan baru dan tanah yang selamanya berubah, anda pulang ke rumah, membawa semangat syukur yang telah menjadikan pengembaraan fantasi anda benar-benar ajaib.

Di Gratitudeia, anda akan menjumpai pemandangan yang menakjubkan seperti hutan lebat dengan pokok-pokok yang menjulang tinggi, gunung tinggi yang menjulang ke awan, dan air terjun berkilauan yang memancarkan keindahan alam. Makhluk-makhluk mistik seperti peri, naga lembut, dan unicorn berkeliaran di sekitar, mencipta suasana ajaib.

Puncak Penghargaan, yang berisi air esensi syukur, menjadi pusat daya magis di Gratitudeia. Tanah ini juga ditempati oleh masyarakat yang hidup dalam keharmonian dan saling berterima kasih. Terdapat pasar ajaib yang penuh dengan barang-barang yang dihasilkan dari kebaikan hati, seperti bunga bercahaya dan kain-kain yang berkilau.

Setiap sudut Gratitudeia dipenuhi dengan warna-warni dari pertunjukan langit yang menakjubkan, mencerminkan pelbagai aspek rasa syukur. Tempat-tempat ini juga diramaikan dengan festival-festival syukur yang diadakan secara berkala untuk merayakan keindahan persahabatan dan apresiasi.

Begitu juga, terdapat tempat-tempat peribadi yang menyimpan hikmat dan pengetahuan, diberikan kepada anda sebagai penghargaan atas kebaikan dan kesyukuran yang telah anda bawa ke dunia ini. Semua unsur di Gratitudeia bertindak bersama untuk mencipta pengalaman ajaib dan memperingatkan betapa pentingnya rasa syukur dalam kehidupan.

In Gratitudeia, you served as a Compassion Guide, spreading goodwill and fostering gratitude among the fantastical beings that inhabited the land. Your role involved guiding others to discover the beauty of appreciation, encouraging acts of kindness, and creating a harmonious atmosphere where gratitude flourished. Your dedication to cultivating a thankful spirit made you a revered figure in Gratitudeia, leaving a lasting impact on the magical realm.

109 - Report Format Personality Test


Free DISC Personality Test 

Survey Monkey 

The outcomes obtained from the aforementioned will be analyzed in juxtaposition to generate a comprehensive report. 
Personality Test Comprehensive Report for RM29.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://shope.ee/5fP0K3lRSL

Additional tools will be provided herein to furnish more detailed and precise results. Updates on new tools will be communicated periodically, and we will ensure to keep you informed as these resources become available. Subsequent questionnaires will be dispatched when new tools are ready for use. It's essential to note that this field of study is an ongoing exploration within the realm of psychology studies. Nevertheless, participation in new tests is entirely voluntary, and there is no obligation to partake unless you willingly choose to do so.

Disclaimer: This report is intended solely for guidance purposes.

Bahasa Malaysia 

Keputusan yang diperoleh dari yang tersebut di atas akan dianalisis secara berdampingan untuk menghasilkan laporan menyeluruh.

Alat tambahan akan disediakan di sini untuk memberikan hasil yang lebih terperinci dan tepat. Kemas kini mengenai alat baru akan disampaikan secara berkala, dan kami akan memastikan untuk memberitahu anda sebaik sahaja sumber ini tersedia. Soal selidik seterusnya akan dihantar apabila alat baru bersedia untuk digunakan. Perlu diperhatikan bahawa bidang kajian ini masih dalam proses eksplorasi dalam bidang pengajian psikologi. Walau bagaimanapun, penyertaan dalam ujian baru adalah sepenuhnya secara sukarela, dan tidak ada kewajipan untuk mengambil bahagian kecuali jika anda bersetuju untuk melakukannya.

Penafian: Laporan ini bertujuan semata-mata untuk panduan.

Report Sample : 

Recommended Occupation:
Your Challenges and Strengths:
Prominent Individual Exhibiting Similar Traits:
Movie Character Resonating with Your Personalities:
Anime Character Reflecting Your Personalities:



108 - Do not make this mistake when you want to retire


I. Introduction
    A. Significance of retirement planning
    B. Overview of common mistakes people make when planning for retirement
    C. The impact of poor retirement planning on financial security and quality of life

II. Chapter 1: Procrastinating Retirement Planning
    A. The consequences of delaying retirement planning
    B. Case studies illustrating the benefits of early retirement preparation
    C. Practical steps for overcoming procrastination and starting retirement planning

III. Chapter 2: Underestimating Retirement Expenses
    A. Common misconceptions about the cost of living in retirement
    B. Tools and strategies for accurately estimating retirement expenses
    C. Tips for budgeting and managing finances during retirement

IV. Chapter 3: Relying Solely on Social Security
    A. The limitations of Social Security as a primary source of retirement income
    B. Diversifying income streams for a more secure retirement
    C. Exploring alternative retirement investment options

V. Chapter 4: Ignoring Healthcare Costs
    A. The impact of healthcare expenses on retirement finances
    B. Planning for medical costs in retirement, including long-term care
    C. Strategies for obtaining and maximizing healthcare coverage in retirement

VI. Chapter 5: Failing to Adjust Investment Strategies
    A. The importance of adapting investment portfolios as retirement approaches
    B. Common mistakes in investment planning for retirement
    C. Tips for creating a well-balanced and age-appropriate investment portfolio

VII. Chapter 6: Overlooking Tax Implications
    A. Understanding the tax implications of different retirement income sources
    B. Strategies for tax-efficient retirement planning
    C. Consulting with financial advisors to optimize tax planning for retirement

VIII. Chapter 7: Not Having an Emergency Fund
    A. The role of emergency funds in retirement planning
    B. Case studies highlighting the importance of financial reserves
    C. Establishing and maintaining an emergency fund for unexpected expenses

IX. Chapter 8: Neglecting Estate Planning
    A. The significance of estate planning for retirees
    B. Common estate planning mistakes and their consequences
    C. Steps for creating a comprehensive estate plan and ensuring its regular updates

X. Chapter 9: Overestimating Retirement Income
    A. Addressing the dangers of overestimating income and underestimating expenses
    B. Strategies for realistic retirement income projections
    C. Adjusting lifestyle expectations to align with retirement income realities

XI. Conclusion
    A. Summarizing key points from each chapter
    B. Emphasizing the importance of proactive and comprehensive retirement planning
    C. Encouraging readers to avoid common mistakes for a secure and fulfilling retirement

XII. Additional Resources
    A. Recommended books, websites, and tools for retirement planning
    B. Seminars, workshops, and financial planning resources for retirees
    C. Contacts for professional financial advice and retirement planning services

107 - Career Mistake


Do not make this mistake when choosing a career

I. Introduction
    A. Definition of the importance of career choice
    B. Overview of common mistakes in career selection
    C. The impact of career decisions on long-term happiness and success

II. Chapter 1: Ignoring Personal Interests and Passions
    A. The significance of aligning career choices with personal interests
    B. Case studies and examples of individuals who followed their passions
    C. Practical exercises for self-discovery and identifying personal interests

III. Chapter 2: Prioritizing Money Over Passion
    A. The misconception of choosing a career solely for financial gain
    B. Real-life stories of individuals who prioritized passion over financial rewards
    C. Balancing financial stability with personal fulfillment in career choices

IV. Chapter 3: Neglecting Skills and Talents
    A. Recognizing and leveraging individual skills and talents
    B. The consequences of choosing a career that doesn't align with one's abilities
    C. Strategies for identifying and developing personal strengths

V. Chapter 4: Overlooking Work-Life Balance
    A. Understanding the importance of work-life balance in long-term career satisfaction
    B. Examining the impact of excessive workload on mental and physical health
    C. Tips for evaluating and maintaining a healthy work-life balance

VI. Chapter 5: Disregarding Market Trends and Industry Changes
    A. The role of staying informed about industry trends in career decision-making
    B. Case studies of individuals who faced challenges due to industry shifts
    C. Strategies for staying adaptable and future-proofing career choices

VII. Chapter 6: Succumbing to External Pressures
    A. Analyzing the influence of societal expectations, family pressure, and peer opinions
    B. Personal stories of individuals who resisted external pressures and found success
    C. Techniques for confidently making independent career choices

VIII. Chapter 7: Failing to Research and Plan
    A. The importance of thorough research in career planning
    B. Common pitfalls of insufficient research in career decision-making
    C. Practical steps for effective career research and planning

IX. Chapter 8: Underestimating the Importance of Networking
    A. The role of networking in career development and opportunities
    B. Real-life examples of how networking can positively impact a career
    C. Tips for building and maintaining a professional network

X. Conclusion
    A. Summarizing key points from each chapter
    B. Emphasizing the importance of thoughtful and informed career decision-making
    C. Encouraging readers to avoid common mistakes for a fulfilling and successful career

XI. Additional Resources
    A. Recommended books, websites, and tools for further career exploration
    B. Workshops, courses, and programs to enhance career decision-making skills
    C. Contacts for career counseling and mentorship opportunities

106 - My module - Retirement syllabus


I. Pengenalan
    A. Perubahan landskap persaraan dengan tumpuan kepada menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan
    B. Gambaran keseluruhan manfaat mempunyai pendapatan sampingan semasa persaraan
    C. Risiko dan cabaran potensial dalam menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan semasa persaraan

II. Bab 1: Mengenali Keperluan Pendapatan Tambahan Semasa Persaraan
    A. Konsep persaraan yang berubah dan kemandirian kewangan
    B. Faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada keperluan pendapatan tambahan semasa persaraan
    C. Kajian kes menonjolkan usaha pendapatan sampingan yang berjaya bagi golongan persaraan

III. Bab 2: Mengenalpasti Kemahiran dan Hobi Peribadi
    A. Menilai kemahiran dan hobi peribadi sebagai sumber pendapatan
    B. Menukar kegemaran menjadi usaha yang menguntungkan semasa persaraan
    C. Menjelajah peluang untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dengan memonopoli bakat dan minat

IV. Bab 3: Meneroka Pilihan Pekerjaan Fleksibel
    A. Manfaat susunan kerja yang fleksibel bagi golongan persaraan
    B. Peluang pekerjaan separuh masa, bebasan, dan dari jauh untuk golongan persaraan
    C. Strategi untuk mencari dan mengekalkan pekerjaan fleksibel semasa persaraan

V. Bab 4: Menggabungkan Teknologi untuk Pendapatan Sampingan
    A. Peranan teknologi dalam mencipta peluang pendapatan baru bagi golongan persaraan
    B. Platform dan alat dalam talian untuk menghasilkan pendapatan semasa persaraan
    C. Membangun kehadiran dalam talian dan memasarkan kemahiran untuk pendapatan digital

VI. Bab 5: Usaha Hartanah Semasa Persaraan
    A. Menjelajah hartanah sebagai sumber pendapatan pasif bagi golongan persaraan
    B. Hartanah sewa, amanah pelaburan hartanah (REITs), dan peluang Airbnb
    C. Tip untuk mengurus dan memaksimumkan pulangan pelaburan hartanah semasa persaraan

VII. Bab 6: Pelaburan untuk Pendapatan Pasif
    A. Meragamkan portfolio pelaburan untuk pendapatan berterusan semasa persaraan
    B. Saham dividen, bon, dan pilihan pelaburan yang menghasilkan pendapatan
    C. Menyeimbangkan risiko dan pulangan dalam strategi pelaburan pendapatan semasa persaraan

VIII. Bab 7: Keusahawanan Semasa Persaraan
    A. Mindset keusahawanan dan aplikasinya semasa persaraan
    B. Memulakan perniagaan kecil atau perkhidmatan perundingan semasa persaraan
    C. Menavigasi cabaran dan ganjaran keusahawanan semasa persaraan

IX. Bab 8: Mengurus Masa dengan Berkesan
    A. Menyeimbangkan usaha pendapatan sampingan dengan masa lapang dan peribadi
    B. Mencipta jadual yang menyelaraskan keseronokan persaraan dan pendapatan sampingan
    C. Tip untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan hidup kerja yang sihat semasa persaraan

X. Kesimpulan
    A. Merangkumi titik utama dari setiap bab
    B. Menekankan kepentingan adaptabiliti dan kreativiti dalam menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan
    C. Mendorong golongan persaraan untuk menerokai pelbagai peluang untuk persaraan yang memuaskan dan kewangan yang selamat

XI. Sumber Tambahan
    A. Buku, laman web, dan platform yang dicadangkan untuk meneroka peluang pendapatan sampingan semasa persaraan
    B. Sumber jaringan dan mentor untuk golongan persaraan yang berminat menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan
    C. Hubungan dengan penasihat kewangan yang pakar dalam strategi pendapatan semasa persaraan

English version 

I. Introduction
    A. The changing landscape of retirement with a focus on generating side income
    B. Overview of the benefits of having a side income during retirement
    C. The potential pitfalls and challenges of generating side income in retirement

II. Chapter 1: Recognizing the Need for Additional Income in Retirement
    A. The evolving concept of retirement and financial independence
    B. Factors contributing to the need for supplemental income in retirement
    C. Case studies highlighting successful side income ventures for retirees

III. Chapter 2: Identifying Personal Skills and Hobbies
    A. Assessing individual skills and hobbies as potential income streams
    B. Turning passions into profitable ventures during retirement
    C. Exploring opportunities for monetizing talents and interests

IV. Chapter 3: Exploring Flexible Work Options
    A. The benefits of flexible work arrangements for retirees
    B. Part-time, freelance, and remote work opportunities for retirees
    C. Strategies for finding and securing flexible work in retirement

V. Chapter 4: Leveraging Technology for Side Income
    A. The role of technology in creating new income opportunities for retirees
    B. Online platforms and tools for generating income in retirement
    C. Building an online presence and marketing skills for digital income streams

VI. Chapter 5: Real Estate Ventures in Retirement
    A. Exploring real estate as a source of passive income for retirees
    B. Rental properties, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and Airbnb opportunities
    C. Tips for managing and maximizing returns on real estate investments in retirement

VII. Chapter 6: Investing for Passive Income
    A. Diversifying investment portfolios for ongoing income in retirement
    B. Dividend stocks, bonds, and other income-generating investment options
    C. Balancing risk and return in a retirement income investment strategy

VIII. Chapter 7: Entrepreneurship in Retirement
    A. The entrepreneurial mindset and its application in retirement
    B. Starting a small business or consulting service in retirement
    C. Navigating the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship during retirement

IX. Chapter 8: Managing Time Effectively
    A. Balancing side income pursuits with leisure and personal time
    B. Creating a schedule that accommodates both retirement enjoyment and income generation
    C. Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance during retirement

X. Conclusion
    A. Summarizing key points from each chapter
    B. Emphasizing the importance of adaptability and creativity in generating side income
    C. Encouraging retirees to explore diverse opportunities for a fulfilling and financially secure retirement

XI. Additional Resources
    A. Recommended books, websites, and platforms for exploring side income opportunities in retirement
    B. Networking and mentorship resources for retirees interested in generating side income
    C. Contacts for financial advisors specializing in retirement income strategies

105 - INTP - Motivation Read

INTPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) are often associated with traits such as analytical thinking, creativity, and a love for exploring ideas. While specific personality types are not universally linked to motivational speakers, some speakers may exhibit traits commonly associated with INTPs. Here are a few speakers who align with INTP-like qualities:

1. **Richard Feynman:** The renowned physicist Richard Feynman was known for his intellectual curiosity, creativity, and ability to communicate complex ideas with simplicity.

2. **Elon Musk:** The entrepreneur and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, demonstrates traits like visionary thinking, innovation, and a focus on problem-solving.

3. **Neil deGrasse Tyson:** Astrophysicist and science communicator, Neil deGrasse Tyson, combines analytical thinking with a passion for making science accessible and engaging.

4. **Jordan Peterson:** Clinical psychologist and professor, Jordan Peterson, is known for his deep intellectual discussions and exploration of psychology, philosophy, and personal development.

Remember that personality traits are complex, and individuals may not perfectly fit into specific categories. These speakers may exhibit traits reminiscent of INTP characteristics, but they are not necessarily classified as INTPs according to formal personality assessments.

104 - INFJ - Discover the hero within yourself.

INFJ refers to one of the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INFJs are often described as empathetic, creative, and insightful individuals who value deep connections with others.

Identifying someone's personality type accurately can be challenging, as it ideally requires them to take a personality assessment and share the results. However, based on various sources and public statements, some individuals are often associated with INFJ traits. Here are 20 names of individuals who are sometimes considered to have INFJ-like characteristics:

1. Martin Luther King Jr.
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Mother Teresa
4. Mahatma Gandhi
5. J.K. Rowling
6. Nicole Kidman
7. Oprah Winfrey
8. Cate Blanchett
9. Daniel Day-Lewis
10. Jimmy Carter
11. Emily Blunt
12. Carl Jung (theorist of psychological types)
13. Plato
14. Fyodor Dostoevsky
15. Edward Snowden
16. Al Pacino
17. Rachel McAdams
18. Anne Hathaway
19. Tobias Wolff
20. Michael Landon

It's important to note that these are speculative associations, and personality types are not definitively known for most individuals. Additionally, public personas may not always reflect an accurate representation of an individual's true personality. If you're interested in exploring this further, you might find it intriguing to read biographies or interviews where individuals discuss their values, motivations, and ways of thinking.

Assigning specific personality types to movie characters is also subjective and can depend on interpretation. However, here are 20 movie characters who might be associated with traits reminiscent of INFJ characteristics:

1. **Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)**
2. **Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings)**
3. **Frodo Baggins (The Lord of the Rings)**
4. **Amélie Poulain (Amélie)**
5. **Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs)**
6. **Elsa (Frozen)**
7. **Achilles (Troy)**
8. **Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)**
9. **Guido Orefice (Life Is Beautiful)**
10. **Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)**
11. **Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)**
12. **Lucius Fox (The Dark Knight Trilogy)**
13. **John Coffey (The Green Mile)**
14. **Elrond (The Lord of the Rings)**
15. **Sophie (Sophie's Choice)**
16. **Belle (Beauty and the Beast)**
17. **Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)**
18. **Tauriel (The Hobbit Trilogy)**
19. **Evey Hammond (V for Vendetta)**
20. **Chihiro/Sen (Spirited Away)**

As with anime characters, keep in mind that these characterizations are based on subjective interpretations of their behaviors and traits as presented in their respective movies.

Assigning specific personality types to fictional characters, including anime characters, is subjective and can vary based on interpretation. However, there are characters in anime who exhibit traits that could align with INFJ characteristics. Here are 20 anime characters who are often associated with INFJ-like traits:

1. **Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)**
2. **Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)**
3. **Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)**
4. **Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)**
5. **Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)**
6. **Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)**
7. **Koyomi Araragi (Monogatari Series)**
8. **Yuko Ichihara (xxxHOLiC)**
9. **Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan)**
10. **Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa: The Animation)**
11. **Mitsuki Nase (Beyond the Boundary)**
12. **Tomoya Okazaki (Clannad)**
13. **Ruri Goko (OreImo)**
14. **Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)**
15. **Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)**
16. **Hatori Chise (The Ancient Magus' Bride)**
17. **Yuno Gasai (Future Diary)**
18. **Shinobu Oshino (Monogatari Series)**
19. **Ryuk (Death Note)**
20. **Yuu Otosaka (Charlotte)**

Keep in mind that fictional characters are often written with various traits to create depth and engage the audience, and they may not perfectly fit real-world personality types. The assessment of their personality traits is also subject to personal interpretation.

103 - Kisah Pesara Muda

Dalam keheningan selepas sarang kosong, Walter, seorang pesara, menemui ketenangan dalam ketukan halus ke papan kekunci. Seiring anak-anak memulakan perjalanan masing-masing, beliau memulakan usaha untuk kembali menemui tujuan. Di tengah-tengah kehidupan yang biasa, Walter terserempak dengan inspirasi yang tak terduga - pengalamannya dengan perkhidmatan pelanggan.

Hari-harinya tidak lagi dipenuhi dengan gelak tawa anak-anak, tetapi dengan irama perkataan yang mengalir dari jari-jarinya. Melalui kisah-kisah panggilan helpline yang menjengkelkan dan kejadian lucu perkhidmatan, Walter membentuk naratif yang berdengung dengan orang lain yang berlayar melalui labirin sokongan pelanggan.

Apabila ceritanya mendapat sambutan, Walter sedar bahawa beliau tidak sekadar menceritakan rasa frustrasi; beliau menenun kisah daya tahan dan humor di hadapan ujian kehidupan. Pembaca, dari yang muda hingga tua, merasakan kesyahduan dalam kata-katanya, dan Walter menemui bahawa minat barunya bukan sahaja menyokongnya tetapi juga memberikan kehidupan kepada mereka yang merasakan hubungan dengan ceritanya.

Dalam tarian antara pesara dan penulis, Walter menemui kisah-kisah pengalaman yang melampaui yang biasa, membuktikan bahawa walaupun dalam keadaan yang kelihatan biasa, seseorang masih boleh menemui makna yang luar biasa.In the quiet aftermath of an empty nest, Walter, a retiree, found solace in the rhythmic tap of his keyboard. As the children embarked on their own journeys, he embarked on a quest to rediscover purpose. Amidst the mundane, Walter stumbled upon an unexpected muse – his encounters with customer service.

His days were no longer filled with the echoes of children's laughter, but with the symphony of words flowing from his fingertips. Through tales of exasperating helpline calls and amusing service mishaps, Walter crafted narratives that resonated with others who navigated the labyrinth of customer support.

As his stories gained traction, Walter realized he wasn't just recounting frustrations; he was weaving a tapestry of resilience and humor in the face of life's tribulations. Readers, young and old, found kinship in his words, and Walter discovered that his newfound passion not only sustained him but breathed vitality into the lives of those who connected with his stories.

In the dance between retiree and writer, Walter uncovered a rich tapestry of experiences that transcended the mundane, proving that even in the seemingly ordinary, one could find extraordinary meaning.

102 - INTP Famous character

Here are 20 fictional characters from movies and anime often associated with the INTP personality type:

1. Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes series)
2. Spock (Star Trek)
3. Dr. House (House, M.D.)
4. Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
5. L (Death Note)
6. Light Yagami (Death Note)
7. Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
8. Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
9. Shino Aburame (Naruto)
10. Rei Hino/Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
11. Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
12. Abed Nadir (Community)
13. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
14. Genos (One Punch Man)
15. Otacon (Metal Gear Solid)
16. Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
17. Rintarou Okabe (Steins;Gate)
18. Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
19. Leonard Hofstadter (The Big Bang Theory)
20. Rei Tachibana (March Comes in Like a Lion)

Here's another set of 20 fictional characters from movies and anime often associated with the INTP personality type:

1. Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
2. Quentin Coldwater (The Magicians)
3. Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
4. Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka)
5. Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
6. Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
7. Shiroe (Log Horizon)
8. Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
9. Rei Kiriyama (March Comes in Like a Lion)
10. Ender Wiggin (Ender's Game)
11. Dr. Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
12. Mello (Death Note)
13. Retsuko (Aggretsuko)
14. Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney series)
15. Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
16. Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul)
17. Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
18. C-3PO (Star Wars)
19. Jimmy Neutron (Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
20. Rei Miyamoto (High School of the Dead)

101 - 16 types of personalities

It's important to note that personality types are not inherently rare or common in an objective sense; their distribution can vary based on the population sampled. However, based on some historical data and anecdotal observations, here's a general idea of the perceived rarity of certain personality types according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):

1. **INFJ (Advocate):** Often considered one of the rarest types, INFJs are known for their deep empathy and strong sense of purpose.

2. **INTJ (Architect):** INTJs are strategic and analytical thinkers, and they are often perceived as less common in the general population.

3. **ENTJ (Commander):** This personality type is characterized by strong leadership skills and strategic thinking.

4. **INTP (Logician):** Known for their analytical and inventive minds, INTPs are often considered relatively uncommon.

5. **ENFJ (Protagonist):** ENFJs are empathetic and charismatic leaders, and they are considered less common.

6. **ISTJ (Inspector):** ISTJs are known for their reliability and strong sense of duty, and they are relatively common.

7. **ISFJ (Defender):** ISFJs are often described as nurturing and dependable, and they are moderately common.

8. **ENFP (Campaigner):** ENFPs are enthusiastic and creative, and they are moderately rare.

9. **ESFJ (Consul):** ESFJs are sociable and caring individuals, and they are relatively common.

10. **ISTP (Virtuoso):** ISTPs are often described as pragmatic and adventurous, and they are moderately rare.

11. **ISFP (Adventurer):** ISFPs are known for their artistic and free-spirited nature, and they are moderately common.

12. **ESTJ (Executive):** ESTJs are practical and organized leaders, and they are relatively common.

13. **ESFP (Entertainer):** ESFPs are lively and outgoing individuals, and they are moderately common.

14. **ENTP (Debater):** ENTPs are characterized by their curiosity and creativity, and they are moderately rare.

15. **ESTP (Entrepreneur):** ESTPs are often described as bold and action-oriented, and they are relatively common.

16. **INFP (Mediator):** INFPs are known for their idealism and creativity, and they are considered moderately rare.

Remember, these perceptions of rarity are based on various sources and may not reflect precise statistical distributions. The MBTI is a self-report questionnaire, and factors such as cultural differences and individual variability can influence the perceived frequency of different personality types.

100 - INTP famous person

Here are 20 famous people often associated with the INTP personality type:

1. Albert Einstein
2. Isaac Newton
3. Bill Gates
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Charles Darwin
6. Marie Curie
7. Richard Dawkins
8. James Madison
9. Tina Fey
10. Ellen Page
11. Larry Page (Google co-founder)
12. Elon Musk
13. Stanley Kubrick
14. Neil Peart (Rush drummer and lyricist)
15. Jane Austen
16. John Locke
17. Socrates
18. Friedrich Nietzsche
19. Stephen Hawking
20. Meryl Streep

20 living individuals often associated with the INTP personality type:

1. Bill Gates
2. Tina Fey
3. Larry Page (Google co-founder)
4. Elon Musk
5. Neil Peart (Rush drummer and lyricist)
6. Stephen Hawking
7. J.K. Rowling
8. Brian Cox (physicist and broadcaster)
9. Noam Chomsky
10. Angela Merkel
11. Edward Snowden
12. Julian Assange
13. Chelsea Manning
14. Larry Wall (creator of Perl programming language)
15. John Carmack (computer programmer)
16. Richard Stallman (free software activist)
17. Noomi Rapace
18. Winona Ryder
19. Benedict Cumberbatch
20. Christopher Nolan

99 - INTP journey

Life is a series of project. 

1.Raising a kid, took some 24 years. 
2. Raising fund for charitable purpose, 3 months. Set goals. To achieve beyond it.
3. Pick a product, challenge yourself to sell it. How you do it. You do it differently by using your traits as a model/ mental model.
4.Blogging, every day struggles. You achieve satisfaction. You stack up the skills. Writing, selling, creating, arranging, presenting to the world. You and your traits are the niche. Sell to your own self. The idea and the products.
4. That is all.

Pick your pain.

98 - Testing 2

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  493. why adult learning is important
  494. why do adults learn
  495. why do adults stop learning
  496. why does observational learning account for much human learning
  497. why teach adults
  498. For the location, it show the intensity of the interest in adult learning, could be a reseaech centre on an education centre.

225 - Confesssion in Bahasa Malaysia

Norsanina.blogspot.com Pengenalan Kelahiran AlGhazali   Aboû Hâmid Muhammed Ibn Muhammad AlGhazali dilahirkan di kota Tus, Khurasan, pada ta...