78 - Why write???

I wrote a blog to teach myself. I write to remid me that i need to read. I need to revise. The important of writing is to transfer what is my mind at that moment. Some are just silly thought. Some maybe a good though that i ponder after reading a book or after i acquire the knowledge about things. 

Revised for business version.

"I engage in writing as a self-teaching tool. Through blogging, I remind myself of the necessity to read and revise. The essence of writing lies in capturing and transferring the thoughts from my mind, whether they be whimsical musings or profound reflections inspired by books and acquired knowledge."

77 - Silva Training workbook 2


The Long Relaxation Exercise

In this session you will be guided through the Long Relaxation Exercise. It is suggested that you listen to it first; then close your eyes and do the exercise as described.

Try this exercise at least once every day for two weeks. Record your experience during the exercise, along with any pertinent events that seem to relate to it each subsequent day, in the space provided below.

Day 1:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Feeling that i am in a familiar place. In the desert. I was once there during my pilgrimage. 

I am at the lake, Fishing

I am in the wood trying to cross the terrains.

Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 2:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 3:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 4:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 5:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:

Day 6,7,8,9,10,11,

Day 12:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 13:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:
Day 14:
What I experienced during the exercise:
Highlights of any pertinent related events:

76 - Resepi Kuih Gunting


✂️BAHAN A (blender)
- 4 biji bawang besar
- 2 genggam udang kering
- 3sb jintan kasar
- 3sb jintan putih
- 1kg tepung gandum
- 4sb marjerin pelangi dipanaskan (boleh lebihkan jika nak lembut sedikit)
- 1sb garam halus
- 2 genggam daun kari
- 2 genggam daun sup
- 2sb cili kering kisar
- air secukupnya


- Masukkan marjerin yang dipanaskan ke dalam tepung gandum, gaulkan. Masukkan bahan A, gaul rata.
- Masukkan garam, daun sup, daun kari, cili kisar. Gaul lagi masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sehingga jadi doh.
- Canaikan doh, kalau suka yang nipis boleh canai nipis-nipis.
- Masak atas pan sekejap sahaja, untuk memudahkan kita gunting nanti.
- Sedia untuk digunting, ikut suka nak gunting macam mana 
- Goreng dalam minyak yang panas bersama dengan daun kari. Goreng sehingga keemasan.
- Tapis dan sejukkan, simpan dalam bekas kedap udara.

Sharing dari sahabat di dalam group Cikgu Irdanie.

75 - You are not your body

You are not your body

If you are not your body, what are you?

I.e... a bed in your bedroom is not your room

A wardrobe in your bedroom is not a room

Then what is the room. The room consist of what?  It have wall, space,

Content curator for hire. norsanina@gmail.com

74 - Biodata as a researcher


Published Paper : 

Dissanayake, Ravindra & Norsanina, A. (2017). Effectiveness of Service Delivery Systems of Local Government Authorities to Enhance the Business Growth Potentials of Regional Businesses. Journal of Social Sciences-Sri Lanka. 09. 52-59. 


Freelancer Profile: 


Social Media : 



205- Testimonial


Work Done : 

Google Business Site : 

Car Rental and chauffeur services in Selangor, Malaysia kl.business.site/ 

204 - What service you can sell no capital required


202 - Framework before work:

Rangka Kerja - Brc Nov 2023

Framework before work: 

Rangka kerja
Fikiran ialah benda, apa yang kita cakap pada diri kita, betul kah perkara itu. Hypothetically. Mesti test dan verified

Berfikir itu kerja
Fikiran itu benda 
Overthink bukan thinking
Berfikir lebih lebih bukan berfikir 

Leslie Lamport - kalau kau berfikir tanpa menulis, kau hanya rasa kau berfikir tapi sebenarnya tidak berfikir. 

Kita berfikir dan tulis baru jadi satu kerja.
Done is better than perfect.
Jangan sembang benda tak ada, pertama kali buat mesti buruk dan tidak sempurna.

Framework precedes action:
Thoughts are powerful; what we tell ourselves matters. Hypothetically, it must be tested and verified.
Thinking is an active process.
Thoughts are entities.
Overthinking is not genuine thinking.
Thinking more is not necessarily thinking better.
In the words of Leslie Lamport, if you think without writing, you may feel like you're thinking, but you're not truly thinking.
Thinking and writing together constitute real work.
Done is better than perfect.
Avoid discussing things without substance; initial attempts are likely to be imperfect.

203 - Menjual Servis Menulis


Who are you in the marketplace? 

Social Media Manager, Virtual Assistant, Data Entry, Research and Content Writing

List of places to offer our services 

Freelancer.com,upwork, favser.com, workana, 
experfy, flexyforce, freelancing, Simple, fiverr, toptal, peopleperhour

online open-source portfolio pinterest.com, behance.net, portfoliobox.net 
Google my Business 

Step by step to be good in this business.

Focus on what you want to do, and match it to market needs. For the
price. Start a 10usd. This is he beginner rate.  

Rewrite for business 
Direct your attention towards your desired activities and align them with market demands, 
considering pricing starting at $10,which serves as the introductory rate for beginners.

Who are you? 
Original : I am a Article writer, copywriters, ghostwriters all the job relevant to typing.

Rewrite for business 
I am a versatile professional specializing in article writing, copywriting, ghostwriting, 
and any job that involves proficient typing skills.

How much is your rate? 
USD 10  

Who are your target market? 
original : 
I am not particularly attach to any market segment.I have interest in offering my service 
in the marketplace. 

Rewrite for business 
I don't limit myself to a specific market segment; instead, I am interested in providing 
my services across various marketplaces.

How long you had been writing? 
I dedicated myselt to writing since 2013, or I may say more than 10 years. Since i study
MBA in university. The MBA took 3 years to complete. 
I write a thesis paper for my phd proposal defense.i did not complete my PhD journey
of many hurdles that i cannot overcome at that moment. Hence i still keep the 
momentum going to write. I stiil have a habit of reading, writing and analyzing on 
many subjects. I believe learning is a lifelong journey.

rewrite for business 
I have been immersed in the world of writing since 2013, spanning over a decade of dedicated 
commitment. This passion for writing took root during my MBA studies at university, 
which consumed three enriching years of my academic journey.

While I successfully composed a thesis paper for my Ph.D. proposal defense,
unfortunately, I encountered numerous obstacles that prevented me from completing my Ph.D.
However, instead of succumbing to those challenges, I have maintained my writing momentum. 
I persist in cultivating the habits of reading, writing, and analyzing a myriad of subjects,
firmly believing that learning is an enduring and lifelong journey.

201 - Do Not Try

Rewrite it better

Transforming oneself requires cultivating new habits and patterns, a continuous journey of learning and development. Instead of focusing on change, embrace the power of forming habits, like expressing gratitude by consistently saying "thank you."

You cannot change anything of yourself
You can only develop a habit, new pattern. Keep learning to develop and start a new habit. Keep reiterating to yourself of this one. 

Form a habit of saying thank you.

Content curator for hire. norsanina@gmail.com

200 - Secawan Kopi Panas

Secawan kopi o panas di kala hari hujan. 
Apakah makna yang di bawa oleh secawan kopi.

Bagaimana menjual kopi panas?

Content curator for hire. norsanina@gmail.com

197- Significant gift received


Significant gift receive after changing mind set.

a)First mindset, get going. Repair your home.

Getting to do
1. Meet my mother 

15/11/2023 invitation for an interview for lecturer position.

2. 16/Nov/2023 kasut jogging 

196 - Intuitive Experience


1. Have you had any intuitive experiences to date? If so, describe them in your

No, only dejavu

2. Are you familiar with remote viewing and remote influencing?
Yes, i am at bome while im in the car.

How might you use these techniques to further enhance your life?
I can be at two place at the same time to complete another task.

Session 2. The Silva Centering Exercise
John guides you through the Silva Centering Exercise in this session.

3. Be sure to set your intention. What do you wish to gain by mastering this technique?
Increase my brain memory. Increase my effectiveness. Increase my joy in doing things. To make my existence more meaningful for humankind.

4. Practice this Silva Centering Exercise and track your progress in the Exercise
Tracking Journal at the back of this guidebook.

Silva Training workbook 1

Session 1 The Silva UltraMind ESP System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3
Session 2 The Long Relax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5
Session 3 Developing and Maintaining the Correct Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10
Session 4 The Short Relax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22
Session 5 Guidance From Higher Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27
Session 6 The Mental Video Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29
Session 7 Removing Impediments to Your Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 32
Session 8 The Mental Screen and Three Scenes Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 34
Session 9 Interacting With People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 35
Session 10 Best Time to Program, Mental Rehearsal, and Instant Rapport . . . . . . . . . .Page 43
Session 11 Detecting and Using Psychic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48
Session 12 Psychometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 50
Session 13 Coincidences and Advanced Communications Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 53
Session 14 Best Time to Program and Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 55
Session 15 Finding Your Purpose in Life Through Developing Your Psychic Ability . . .Page 60
Session 16 Enhanced Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 68
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 71
Scale of Brain Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 72
Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 73 

Session 1 – The Silva UltraMind ESP System
In this session you are introduced to the Silva UltraMind ESP System. You are given a basic description of the Beta, Alpha, and 

Theta brain frequencies and the pertinence of each in the development of the Silva
System. You will explore the many benefits that doing the prescribed exercises in the Alpha state can have in your life and future endeavors.

1. Check the areas of your life in which you would you like to see changes take place.

Social life

Susun mengikut priority. 
Social life - Book and podcast, cats
Health - makan 3 kali sehari, eat healthy
Spirituality - pray on time
Career - Work at things you like and love
Relationships - with things
Fitness - weight lifting
Intuition - know what is good for humankind

2. Do you believe that you have a higher intelligence that you could tap into that could improve your life?

3. Have you ever tried to do you do anything such as meditation or any Silva tools to help you break out of your fast-paced lifestyle? What was the outcome? Describe any related experiences, in the space pro-vided below.

4. Have you ever experienced functioning at the Alpha brainwave level? If so, describe your experience, in the space provided below.

5. Beta Frequency - The brain functions at approximately 20 cycles per second at this frequency. This is
an ideal level in which to take action in your life.
Alpha Frequency - The brain functions at approximately 10 cycles per second at this frequency. This is
ideal for thinking and deductive reasoning.
Theta Frequency - The brain functions at approximately 5 cycles per second at this frequency. This is
ideal for correcting problems of biological intelligence.
Delta Frequency - The brain functions at below 4 cycles per second at this frequency. This is the level
where we have connection with higher intelligence. It is the first frequency experienced by infants, and
the last frequency experienced before death.
In the Alpha state individuals make better decisions, attain happier relationships and greater success in
business. This is done by bringing the subconscious to the conscious level. Some of the benefits you will
discover if you practice these exercises on a regular basis are
Reduced stress
A strengthened immune system
Slowing down of the aging process
More acute intuitive abilities
Greater receptivity from higher intelligence
An ability to communicate at a distance
The ability to remote-view (see things at a distance)
Aid in discovering your purpose in life
From the list above, mark each of the benefits that you would like to acquire or improve in your life in
the order of your desire (1 being the most important and 8 being the least).
6. In what area of your life would you most want to improve? Clearly write down your purpose in the
space provided below, before doing The Long Relaxation Exercise.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this guidebook are solely the opinions of the authors. Individuals who are delusional or severely
emotionally disturbed, unless they are done under close supervision should not attempt these exercises. Should any
painful or difficult memories arise as a result of any technique discussed in this program, it is recommended that
you seek the aid of a licensed therapist.

Silva Training Method



1. The gift of a new life 
2. The computer of your mind
3. Finding your purpose
4. A formula for prosperity
5. A review by Ed 
6. The two golden 
7. The enhanced 

Headlines For Your FB ads


0. 12/ November/2023 Sunday

1. **"Say Goodbye to Hidden Germs: The Dishwashing Liquid That Leaves No Trace!"**

   - This headline emphasizes the product's effectiveness in eliminating hidden germs and assures users of a thorough clean.

13 Nov 2023 FB 


2. **"Unlock the Secret to Spotless Dishes: The Dishwashing Liquid That Banishes Bacteria!"**

   - This headline plays on the idea of a hidden secret, enticing readers with the promise of spotless dishes and a bacteria-free kitchen.

 14 Nov 2023 FB 

3. **"No More Dinner Plate Disasters: Discover the Dishwashing Liquid That Defends Against Cross-Contamination!"**

   - Focused on preventing cross-contamination, this headline addresses a potential issue and presents the product as a solution to dinner plate disasters.


4. **"Taste the Clean: Our Dishwashing Liquid Ensures Every Bite Is Free from Residue and Odors!"**

   - This headline appeals to the sensory experience of taste, promising users that their dishes will be free from residue and unpleasant odors.


5. **"Clean Plates, Happy Home: The Dishwashing Liquid That Keeps Your Kitchen Pest-Free and Family Safe!"**

   - This headline ties cleanliness to happiness, emphasizing the product's role in maintaining a pest-free kitchen and ensuring family safety.




Why People Buy Your Product?


People buy dishwashing liquid for several reasons, and their concerns when using dishwashing soap may vary. Here are some common reasons people choose dishwashing liquid and potential concerns they might have:

**Reasons for Buying Dishwashing Liquid:**

1. **Effective Cleaning:** Dishwashing liquid is designed to cut through grease and grime, providing effective cleaning for dishes, utensils, and cookware.

2. **Fragrance:** Many dishwashing liquids come in various scents, offering a pleasant fragrance while washing dishes.

3. **Gentle on Hands:** Some dishwashing liquids are formulated to be gentle on the hands, preventing dryness and irritation.

4. **Versatility:** Dishwashing liquids are versatile and can be used for various cleaning tasks beyond dishes, such as wiping countertops or cleaning kitchen surfaces.

5. **Eco-Friendly Options:** Environmentally conscious consumers may choose dishwashing liquids that are biodegradable and have minimal impact on the environment.

6. **Antibacterial Properties:** Some dishwashing liquids have antibacterial properties, providing an extra layer of cleanliness.

7. **Brand Loyalty:** Consumers may have brand preferences based on past positive experiences, recommendations, or marketing efforts.

**Concerns When Using Dishwashing Soap:**

1. **Skin Sensitivity:** Some people may be concerned about skin irritation or allergies caused by certain ingredients in dishwashing liquids.

2. **Residue on Dishes:** Concerns about soap residue left on dishes, especially if it affects the taste of food.

3. **Environmental Impact:** Eco-conscious consumers may worry about the environmental impact of certain ingredients or the packaging of dishwashing liquids.

4. **Effectiveness:** Users might be concerned about the effectiveness of the dishwashing liquid, especially if it doesn't cut through grease or clean dishes well.

5. **Chemical Ingredients:** Concerns about the presence of harsh chemicals in some dishwashing liquids may deter certain consumers.

6. **Fragrance Sensitivity:** Some individuals may be sensitive to artificial fragrances, leading to concerns about the scents used in dishwashing liquids.

7. **Cost:** The cost-effectiveness of the product may be a consideration for some consumers, especially if they perceive the dishwashing liquid as expensive.

Addressing these concerns in your content creation and marketing efforts can help build trust with consumers and highlight the positive aspects of your dishwashing liquid. Providing clear information about ingredients, addressing potential sensitivities, and emphasizing the product's benefits can alleviate concerns and encourage purchase.

**Reasons People Buy Dishwashing Liquid:**

1. **Good at Cleaning:** Dishwashing liquid cleans dishes really well, getting rid of dirty stuff easily.

2. **Nice Smell:** Some dish soaps smell good, making washing dishes more enjoyable.

3. **Doesn't Hurt Hands:** Some dish soaps are gentle on hands, so they don't make your skin feel weird.

4. **Can Be Used for Other Cleaning:** You can use dish soap for cleaning other things, not just dishes, like wiping tables and counters.

5. **Good for the Environment:** Some dish soaps are good for the Earth. They don't hurt it when you use them.

6. **Kills Germs:** Some dish soaps can get rid of germs on your dishes, making them super clean.

7. **People Like the Brand:** Some people always buy the same dish soap because they like that brand the best.

**Concerns When Using Dishwashing Soap:**

1. **Might Hurt Your Skin:** Some people worry that dish soap might make their skin itchy or red.

2. **Leaves Stuff on Dishes:** People don't like it if the soap leaves a weird taste or feel on their dishes.

3. **Bad for the Earth:** Some people are worried that dish soap might be bad for the environment.

4. **Might Not Work Well:** People don't want dish soap that doesn't clean dishes properly or cut through grease.

5. **Scary Chemicals:** Some worry that dish soap has chemicals that are not safe.

6. **Don't Like the Smell:** People might not like the smell of the soap, especially if it's too strong.

7. **Too Expensive:** Some people think dish soap costs too much, so they might not want to buy it.

Talking about these things in your ads can help people understand why your dish soap is awesome and why they should use it. Let them know it's safe, smells good, and cleans dishes really well! 🌟🍽️

**Alasan Orang Membeli Pencuci Pinggan:**

1. **Berkesan dalam Membersihkan:** Pencuci pinggan boleh membersihkan pinggan dengan baik, menghilangkan kotoran dengan mudah.
2. **Bau Wangi:** Sesetengah pencuci pinggan mempunyai bau yang enak, menjadikan mencuci pinggan lebih menyeronokkan.

3. **Tidak Menyakitkan Tangan:** Sesetengah pencuci pinggan lembut pada tangan, jadi ia tidak membuat kulit terasa aneh.

4. **Boleh Digunakan untuk Membersihkan Benda Lain:** Boleh digunakan untuk membersihkan benda lain, bukan sahaja pinggan, seperti mengelap meja dan permukaan dapur.

5. **Baik untuk Alam Sekitar:** Sesetengah pencuci pinggan baik untuk Bumi. Ia tidak merosakkan alam semasa digunakan.

6. **Membunuh Kuman:** Sesetengah pencuci pinggan boleh menyingkirkan kuman pada pinggan, menjadikannya sangat bersih.

7. **Orang Sukai Jenama Ini:** Sesetengah orang sentiasa membeli pencuci pinggan yang sama kerana mereka suka jenama itu.

**Ketakutan Ketika Menggunakan Sabun Pencuci Pinggan:**

1. **Mungkin Menyakitkan Kulit:** Sesetengah orang risau bahawa pencuci pinggan mungkin membuat kulit mereka gatal atau merah.

2. **Meninggalkan Bahan pada Pinggan:** Orang tidak suka jika sabun meninggalkan rasa atau bau yang aneh pada pinggan mereka.

3. **Buruk untuk Alam:** Sesetengah orang risau bahawa pencuci pinggan mungkin tidak baik untuk alam sekitar.

4. **Mungkin Tidak Berfungsi Dengan Baik:** Orang tidak mahu pencuci pinggan yang tidak membersihkan pinggan dengan betul atau tidak menghilangkan lemak.

5. **Bahan Kimia Yang Menakutkan:** Sesetengah orang risau bahawa pencuci pinggan mempunyai bahan kimia yang tidak selamat.

6. **Tidak Suka Bau:** Orang mungkin tidak suka bau sabun, terutamanya jika terlalu kuat.

7. **Terlalu Mahal:** Sesetengah orang fikir pencuci pinggan terlalu mahal, jadi mereka mungkin tidak mahu membelinya.

Berbual tentang perkara-perkara ini dalam iklan anda boleh membantu orang memahami mengapa pencuci pinggan anda hebat dan mengapa mereka patut menggunakannya. Beritahu mereka bahawa ia selamat, wanginya enak, dan membersihkan pinggan dengan sangat baik! 🌟🍽️

The concern about residue left on plates after washing is valid, especially when washing items used by pets or babies. Here are a few considerations:

1. **Choose a Mild and Baby-Safe Dishwashing Liquid:**
   - Opt for a mild and baby-safe dishwashing liquid. Many brands offer formulations specifically designed for baby dishes, ensuring they are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances.

2. **Rinse Thoroughly:**
   - Regardless of the dish soap used, make sure to rinse dishes thoroughly with clean water. This helps remove any potential residue.

3. **Read Labels:**
   - Read the labels of the dishwashing liquid to ensure it is safe for baby and pet dishes. Look for products that are free from harmful additives, fragrances, and toxic substances.

4. **Separate Items:**
   - Consider having separate sponges or scrubbers for pet dishes, baby dishes, and regular dishes. This can help prevent cross-contamination.

5. **Use Hot Water:**
   - Hot water can be more effective in removing soap residues. Ensure that the water temperature is safe for the items being washed.

6. **Air-Dry or Towel-Dry:**
   - Allow the dishes to air-dry or use a clean towel. This can help in removing any remaining residue.

7. **Consult Pediatrician or Veterinarian:**
   - If you have specific concerns, it's advisable to consult with a pediatrician for baby items and a veterinarian for pet dishes. They can provide guidance based on the specific needs of babies and pets.

Remember that residue left on plates is often a result of not rinsing the dishes thoroughly. By choosing a gentle and baby-safe dishwashing liquid, rinsing dishes well, and following proper hygiene practices, you can minimize the risk of any residue on plates, ensuring they are safe for both your baby and your cat.

If plates are not washed properly, several issues can arise, impacting both health and hygiene. Here are some major concerns:

1. **Foodborne Illness:**
   - Inadequately washed plates may retain food particles and bacteria, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses. Harmful bacteria can multiply on leftover food, leading to gastrointestinal issues if consumed.

2. **Cross-Contamination:**
   - Residue on plates can lead to cross-contamination if the same plate is used for different types of food without proper washing. This can introduce allergens or harmful bacteria to foods that should remain separate.

3. **Unpleasant Odors and Tastes:**
   - Leftover food particles on plates can cause unpleasant odors and tastes. Residual oils or fats can become rancid, affecting the flavor of subsequent meals.

4. **Pest Attraction:**
   - Food remnants on unwashed plates can attract pests such as insects and rodents. This poses sanitation issues and can lead to an infestation if not addressed.

5. **Poor Kitchen Hygiene:**
   - Inadequate dishwashing contributes to poor kitchen hygiene. Dirty plates, utensils, and cookware can harbor germs and compromise overall cleanliness in the kitchen.

6. **Stains and Discoloration:**
   - Certain foods, especially those with strong colors or spices, can leave stains on plates if not properly washed. This can affect the appearance of the dishes and may be challenging to remove over time.

7. **Health Risks for Vulnerable Individuals:**
   - Individuals with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and young children are more susceptible to the adverse effects of improperly washed plates. They may be at a higher risk of infections or illnesses.

8. **Foul Smells in the Kitchen:**
   - Unwashed plates, especially those with leftover food, can contribute to foul smells in the kitchen. This affects the overall ambiance of the cooking and dining areas.

To avoid these issues, it's crucial to practice proper dishwashing techniques. This includes using an effective dishwashing liquid, scrubbing thoroughly, rinsing well, and allowing dishes to dry properly. Regular cleaning of kitchen surfaces, utensils, and cookware also plays a vital role in maintaining a safe and hygienic kitchen environment.

Menjual Cecair Basuh Pinggan


Creating a 30-day content plan for promoting a dishwashing liquid involves a mix of engaging and informative content across various platforms. Here's a sample plan:


**Day 1-5: Introduction Week**

1. **Day 1: Launch Announcement**

   - Post a visually appealing image or video announcing the launch of your new dishwashing liquid.

   - Highlight key features, such as eco-friendliness, powerful cleaning, or a pleasant scent.


2. **Day 2-3: Product Spotlight**

   - Share close-up shots of the dishwashing liquid, emphasizing its unique qualities.

   - Highlight any special ingredients or technologies used in the formulation.


3. **Day 4: User Testimonials**

   - Share testimonials from early users who have tested the product.

   - Encourage followers to share their experiences and thoughts.


4. **Day 5: Behind-the-Scenes**

   - Take your audience behind the scenes of the product development process.

   - Highlight the rigorous testing the dishwashing liquid underwent.


**Day 6-15: Educational Content**

5. **Day 6-8: Cleaning Hacks**

   - Share creative and time-saving cleaning hacks using the dishwashing liquid.

   - Create short videos or infographics for visual appeal.


6. **Day 9-11: Ingredient Spotlight**

   - Educate your audience on the key ingredients in the dishwashing liquid.

   - Emphasize any natural or eco-friendly elements.


7. **Day 12-14: Comparison Content**

   - Create content comparing your dishwashing liquid to competitors.

   - Highlight what makes yours stand out.


8. **Day 15: FAQ Session**

   - Address common questions about the product.

   - Encourage followers to ask additional questions for future sessions.


**Day 16-25: Engagement Week**

9. **Day 16-18: User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaign**

   - Launch a UGC campaign encouraging users to share photos or videos using the product.

   - Create a branded hashtag for easy tracking.


10. **Day 19-21: Recipe Integration**

    - Share recipes where your dishwashing liquid plays a crucial role.

    - Create engaging visuals or videos showing the step-by-step process.


11. **Day 22-24: Polls and Surveys**

    - Engage your audience by conducting polls or surveys related to dishwashing habits.

    - Use the insights to tailor future content.


12. **Day 25: Giveaway**

    - Host a giveaway contest, encouraging followers to like, share, and tag friends for a chance to win your product.


**Day 26-30: Sustainability and Recap**

13. **Day 26-28: Sustainability Focus**

    - Showcase the eco-friendly aspects of your dishwashing liquid.

    - Share tips on reducing environmental impact in the kitchen.


14. **Day 29: Highlights Recap**

    - Summarize key features and moments from the past 29 days.

    - Thank your audience for their engagement.


15. **Day 30: Future Teasers**

    - Tease upcoming developments or products.

    - Encourage followers to stay tuned for more exciting updates.


Remember to tailor the plan to your target audience, platform preferences, and the unique selling points of your dishwashing liquid. Regularly monitor engagement and adjust your content strategy accordingly.


Creating a 30-day content plan for promoting a dishwashing liquid involves a mix of educational, engaging, and promotional content. Here's a suggested plan:


**Day 1-3: Introduction**

- **Day 1:** Launch announcement - Introduce the new dishwashing liquid. Highlight key features such as effectiveness, fragrance, and eco-friendliness.

- **Day 2:** Behind the scenes - Share a video or images showcasing the manufacturing process, emphasizing quality.

- **Day 3:** Product demo - Create a short video demonstrating how little product is needed for effective dishwashing.


**Day 4-10: Educational Content**

- **Day 4:** Ingredient spotlight - Discuss key ingredients and their benefits.

- **Day 5:** Environmental impact - Share information on the product's eco-friendly aspects.

- **Day 6-8:** Tips and tricks - Offer daily tips for optimal dishwashing and cleanliness.

- **Day 9:** User testimonials - Share positive reviews from early users.

- **Day 10:** Q&A session - Address common questions about the dishwashing liquid.


**Day 11-20: Engagement and User-Generated Content**

- **Day 11:** #DishwashingHacks - Encourage users to share their unique dishwashing hacks.

- **Day 12:** Photo contest - Ask users to share creative photos of the dishwashing liquid in use.

- **Day 13-15:** User testimonials - Feature more user testimonials and encourage users to share their experiences.

- **Day 16:** Polls and surveys - Engage your audience by asking for their preferences and feedback.

- **Day 17:** Recipe share - Share a recipe that involves dishwashing, highlighting the product's effectiveness.

- **Day 18-20:** Story highlights - Compile and share highlights from the user-generated content throughout the week.


**Day 21-27: Promotional Content**

- **Day 21:** Flash sale announcement - Introduce a limited-time discount or bundle offer.

- **Day 22-25:** Product spotlight - Highlight different aspects of the dishwashing liquid each day (e.g., scent, bottle design).

- **Day 26:** Comparison post - Compare the new dishwashing liquid to competitors, emphasizing its unique features.

- **Day 27:** Testimonials - Share more positive reviews and testimonials, emphasizing customer satisfaction.


**Day 28-30: Closing and Future Teasers**

- **Day 28:** Countdown - Build anticipation for a special closing offer or announcement.

- **Day 29:** Closing offer - Introduce a final limited-time promotion.

- **Day 30:** Future teaser - Tease upcoming products or improvements, encouraging continued engagement.


Remember to use a mix of images, videos, and text-based posts across various social media platforms. Monitor engagement and adjust your content plan based on what resonates most with your audience.


Certainly! Let's simplify the content plan for a fifth-grade level:


**Week 1: Introduction**

1. **Day 1:** Say hello! We have a new awesome dish soap! 🌟

2. **Day 2:** Look at how our soap is made! It's like magic!

3. **Day 3:** Watch this video - you only need a little soap for super clean dishes! 🍽


**Week 2: Learn Time!**

4. **Day 4:** Let's talk about what's in our soap. It's like a superhero for your dishes!

5. **Day 5:** Our soap loves the Earth! It's good for nature! 🌍

6. **Day 6-8:** Every day, we'll share a cool tip about washing dishes. Try them out!

7. **Day 9:** People are loving our soap! Hear what they're saying! 😊

8. **Day 10:** Got questions? We've got answers! Ask us anything!


**Week 3: Fun with You!**

9. **Day 11:** Tell us your special dishwashing trick with #DishwashingHacks!

10. **Day 12:** Take a funny or cool picture of our soap. Best one gets a prize! 📸

11. **Day 13-15:** Share your stories about using our soap. We love hearing from you!

12. **Day 16:** What do you like more? Bubbles or no bubbles? Vote in our poll!

13. **Day 17:** Do you use our soap in recipes? Share your favorites!


**Week 4: Let's Celebrate You!**

14. **Day 18-20:** We're showing off your cool pictures and stories all week!

15. **Day 21:** Big news! We're having a special sale soon! 🎉

16. **Day 22-25:** Learn more about our soap every day - it's more awesome than you think!

17. **Day 26:** Our soap is the best! Look at how it compares to others.

18. **Day 27:** Happy customers = happy us! Read why they love our soap!


**Week 5: Goodbye (for now) and What's Next!**

19. **Day 28:** Something exciting is coming! Can you guess what?

20. **Day 29:** Last chance for a special offer. Don't miss it!

21. **Day 30:** We're not saying goodbye, just see you later! More amazing things are on the way! 🚀


Remember to tell your friends and family about our super soap! Thanks for being part of our soap family! 🌈💙



Certainly! Here's a simplified content plan in Bahasa Malaysia for a fifth-grade level:


**Minggu 1: Pengenalan**

1. **Hari 1:** Hai! Ada sabun pinggan baru yang hebat! 🌟

2. **Hari 2:** Lihat macam mana sabun kita dibuat! Macam sihir!

3. **Hari 3:** Tengok video ni - sikit je sabun untuk pinggan bersih! 🍽


**Minggu 2: Belajar Bersama!**

4. **Hari 4:** Mari kita cakap tentang apa yang ada dalam sabun kita. Macam superhero untuk pinggan!

5. **Hari 5:** Sabun kita sayang bumi! Bagus untuk alam sekitar! 🌍

6. **Hari 6-8:** Setiap hari, kita kongsi tip menarik tentang cuci pinggan. Cuba lah!

7. **Hari 9:** Orang suka sabun kita! Dengar apa mereka cakap! 😊

8. **Hari 10:** Ada soalan? Kita ada jawapan! Tanya je!


**Minggu 3: Seronok Bersama Anda!**

9. **Hari 11:** Ceritakan tip cuci pinggan istimewa anda dengan #DishwashingHacks!

10. **Hari 12:** Ambil gambar kelakar atau menarik dengan sabun kita. Yang terbaik dapat hadiah! 📸

11. **Hari 13-15:** Kongsi cerita anda tentang menggunakan sabun kita. Kita suka dengar dari anda!

12. **Hari 16:** Anda lebih suka gelembung atau tak gelembung? Undi dalam tinjauan kami!

13. **Hari 17:** Adakah anda gunakan sabun kita dalam resipi? Kongsi yang paling suka!


**Minggu 4: Mari Sambut Anda!**

14. **Hari 18-20:** Kita tunjuk gambar dan cerita menarik anda sepanjang minggu!

15. **Hari 21:** Berita besar! Kami akan ada jualan istimewa! 🎉

16. **Hari 22-25:** Kenali lebih banyak tentang sabun kita setiap hari - lebih hebat daripada yang anda fikir!

17. **Hari 26:** Sabun kita yang terbaik! Lihat cara ia dibandingkan dengan yang lain.

18. **Hari 27:** Pelanggan gembira = kami gembira! Baca kenapa mereka suka sabun kita!


**Minggu 5: Selamat Tinggal (sementara) dan Apa yang Akan Datang!**

19. **Hari 28:** Ada yang menarik datang! Boleh teka apa?

20. **Hari 29:** Peluang terakhir untuk tawaran istimewa. Jangan lepaskan!

21. **Hari 30:** Kita tidak mengatakan selamat tinggal, hanya jumpa lagi! Lebih banyak perkara menarik akan datang! 🚀


Jangan lupa beritahu kawan dan keluarga tentang sabun kita yang hebat! Terima kasih kerana menjadi sebahagian daripada keluarga sabun kita! 🌈💙

Buku untuk Di Baca - On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction Paperback


On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction Paperback

 April 5, 2016, by William Zinsser  (Author), 4.7 out of 5 stars    2,689 ratings. On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet. Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, On Writing Well offers you fundamental priciples as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher. With more than a million copies sold, this volume has stood the test of time and remains a valuable resource for writers and would-be writers.


5 April 2016, oleh William Zinsser (Penulis), 4,7 dari 5 bintang 2.689 peringkat. On Writing Well dipuji karena sarannya yang masuk akal, kejelasannya, dan kehangatan gayanya. Ini adalah buku untuk semua orang yang ingin belajar menulis atau yang perlu menulis untuk menjalani hari, seperti yang dilakukan hampir semua orang di era email dan Internet. Baik Anda ingin menulis tentang orang atau tempat, sains dan teknologi, bisnis, olahraga, seni, atau tentang diri Anda sendiri dalam genre memoar yang semakin populer, On Writing Well menawarkan Anda prinsip-prinsip dasar serta wawasan seorang penulis dan guru terkemuka. Dengan lebih dari satu juta eksemplar terjual, volume ini telah teruji oleh waktu dan tetap menjadi sumber berharga bagi para penulis dan calon penulis.

Bahasa Malaysia 
5 April 2016, oleh William Zinsser (Pengarang), 4.7 daripada 5 bintang 2,689 penilaian. On Writing Well telah dipuji kerana nasihatnya yang mantap, kejelasan dan kehangatan gayanya. Ia adalah buku untuk semua orang yang ingin belajar menulis atau yang perlu menulis untuk menjalani hari, seperti yang hampir semua orang lakukan pada zaman e-mel dan Internet. Sama ada anda ingin menulis tentang orang atau tempat, sains dan teknologi, perniagaan, sukan, seni atau tentang diri anda dalam genre memoir yang semakin popular, On Writing Well menawarkan anda prinsip asas serta pandangan seorang penulis dan guru yang terkenal. Dengan lebih daripada sejuta salinan terjual, jilid ini telah bertahan dalam ujian masa dan kekal sebagai sumber yang berharga untuk penulis dan bakal penulis.

Buku untuk Di Baca - You Are a Badass



1. You Are a Badass 

Self-help has never ever been more manageable with these 27 micro-chapters full of stories that will lift you up, Oprah-style. Or should we say, Sincero-style — since author Jen Sincero is never too afraid to drop a bomb to make a point? That said, You Are a Badass isn’t just a bunch of cheers and rants: she’s got some unique tips up her sleeve that will boost your self-confidence in seconds. How? Similar to Rachel Hollins’ Girl Wash Your Face, Sincero has her pulse on the mistruths that society thrusts upon us to stunt our growth. By identifying them, she asserts that you can change how you think about yourself — which will in turn change how you live your life. If you start there, the rest (especially career success) will follow. And always remember: You Are A Badass! 

Swadaya tidak pernah semudah ini dikelola dengan 27 bab mikro penuh cerita yang akan mengangkat Anda, ala Oprah. Atau haruskah kita katakan, gaya Sincero - karena penulis Jen Sincero tidak pernah terlalu takut untuk menjatuhkan bom untuk menyampaikan maksudnya? Meski begitu, You Are a Badass bukan hanya sekedar sorakan dan kata-kata kasar: dia punya beberapa tips unik yang akan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri Anda dalam hitungan detik. Bagaimana? Mirip dengan Girl Wash Your Face karya Rachel Hollins, Sincero menyadari ketidakbenaran yang disodorkan masyarakat kepada kita untuk menghambat pertumbuhan kita. Dengan mengidentifikasinya, dia menegaskan bahwa Anda dapat mengubah cara Anda berpikir tentang diri sendiri - yang pada gilirannya akan mengubah cara Anda menjalani hidup. Jika Anda memulai dari sana, sisanya (terutama kesuksesan karier) akan mengikuti. Dan selalu ingat: Anda Seorang Badass!

Bahasa Malaysia 
Bantuan diri tidak pernah lebih terurus dengan 27 bab mikro yang penuh dengan cerita yang akan menaikkan semangat anda, gaya Oprah. Atau patutkah kita katakan, gaya Sincero — memandangkan pengarang Jen Sincero tidak pernah terlalu takut untuk menjatuhkan bom untuk membuat alasan? Walaupun begitu, You Are a Badass bukan hanya sekumpulan sorakan dan kata-kata kasar: dia mempunyai beberapa petua unik yang akan meningkatkan keyakinan diri anda dalam beberapa saat. Bagaimana? Sama seperti Rachel Hollins' Girl Wash Your Face, Sincero berdebar-debar tentang ketidakbenaran yang ditimbulkan masyarakat kepada kita untuk membantutkan pertumbuhan kita. Dengan mengenal pasti mereka, dia menegaskan bahawa anda boleh mengubah cara anda berfikir tentang diri anda — yang seterusnya akan mengubah cara anda menjalani hidup anda. Jika anda bermula di sana, selebihnya (terutama kejayaan kerjaya) akan menyusul. Dan sentiasa ingat: You Are A Badass!

Bucket List -Books to read


You Are a Badass 
Jen Sincero
Self-help has never ever been more manageable with these 27 micro-chapters full of stories that will lift you up, Oprah-style. Or should we say, Sincero-style — since author Jen Sincero is never too afraid to drop a bomb to make a point? That said, You Are a Badass isn’t just a bunch of cheers and rants: she’s got some unique tips up her sleeve that will boost your self-confidence in seconds. How? Similar to Rachel Hollins’ Girl Wash Your Face, Sincero has her pulse on the mistruths that society thrusts upon us to stunt our growth. By identifying them, she asserts that you can change how you think about yourself — which will in turn change how you live your life. If you start there, the rest (especially career success) will follow. And always remember: You Are A Badass! 

Radical Acceptance
Tara Brach
There are many schools of thought when it comes to understanding the root of human suffering. In this transformative self-help book, Tara Brach argues that the very belief that we’re flawed is what leads to unnecessary pain. So what’s our way out when we get stuck in a loop of negative patterns like toxic relationships, workaholism, self-doubt, or isolation? Radical Acceptance. Dr. Brach’s book not only draws upon her twenty years of experience as therapist, but her unique perspective as a Buddhist as well. Using a variety of media from meditations to case studies, she reminds us that we cannot always change the past or our circumstances, but we can change how we think about those things. The level of mindfulness required for radical acceptance may seem overwhelming, but under Dr. Brach’s guidance, it feels practical — possible even

The Magic of Thinking Big

David Schwartz’s
If small thinking only leads to small lives, then it's time to think big! The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic catch-all self-help book — now over 30 years old and still standing strong — that will catapult the shyest of dreamers into the confident future they’ve been secretly hoping for. Under David Schwartz’s instruction, you’ll be comforted to know that intellectual prowess (or even talent) is not required when it comes to carving a new you. Regardless of whether or not you have already acquired the skills and smarts, Schwartz has some helpful tips on how to address common problems related to failure, lack of creativity, and negative thinking patterns, all the while training you to be a leader in your field (and your own life) by keeping goals in check.

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life … And Maybe the World 
Admiral William H. McRaven
You may have cringed when your parents asked you to make your bed … but as adults, this simple act can be revolutionary. That’s what Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven argues in his life-changing self-help book, Make Your Bed. And it all started when his University of Texas at Austin commencement speech on the subject landed him 10 million plus viewers on YouTube ⁠— and the eyes of book publishers! After reading it, we can guarantee you’ll never think the same way about a top sheet again. A perfect gift for coming of age occasions, McRaven’s pearls of advice chart how completing the little things makes up a life.

Failing Forward 
John C. Maxwell
Failing has never been more popular — especially in Silicon Valley. As the motto (or badge of honor) goes: fail big, fail fast. The goal, however, is to fail so you can eventually succeed. That’s the key paradox that drives Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell, who knew the power of failing to succeed even before the tech boom. Maxwell sees the willingness to fail and the acceptance of failure as the difference between those who make great contributions to the world, and those who give up for good. By zeroing in on the lessons gained from catastrophe, Maxwell posits that failed proteges are more insightful about their futures. Will you be one of them?

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Brian Tracy
Like Angela Duckworth’s self-help book, Grit, Eat That Frog! upholds the same principal: in order to succeed, you gotta — in a sense — face the music. To Tracy, ‘eating your frog’ means finishing the most difficult task of your day done first, instead of putting it off until you feel like it. This is, of course, a fancy way to say that we all have to be better at prioritizing, but the process to accomplish it is actually much more complicated than just pointing to the meatiest assignment of the day. That’s why Tracy has broken down 21 ways to avoid ‘avoiding’ your own personal and professional commitments by sharpening your time management skills. Here, readers will learn why the ickiness of hard work can actually make life easier in the end.

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie
An old classic in the self-help aisle, How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold over 15 million copies since its release in 1936. While the text might be nearing a century-old, many still turn to it for tips on using interpersonal skills to craft the life you want.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Another classic listed among many lists of best self-help books, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a popular pick for people who are looking to 'take control' of their life, and steer course in a more intentional direction. Perhaps seven is your lucky number, too?

Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins
You might have seen David Goggins on the cover of Outside magazine — the same issue that named him as “The Fittest (Real) Man in America.” Yet you probably don’t know that The Fittest Man in America grew up in almost intolerable circumstances, enduring years of poverty, prejudice, and abuse. This is the inspiring story of how Goggins overcame the odds to become a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller. Pick up Can’t Hurt Me to learn how to apply the same grit, resilience, and self-discipline to your own ventures, along with the 40% Rule: Goggins’ theory that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
This small self-help book has sparked a mega-popular Netflix show, an entire KonMari movement, and joy in thousands of households. And it boils down one simple thing: a clean home. In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you’ll fall in love with the tidying passion of Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo. Her down-to-earth, gentle advice on how to build a positive space around you and evaluate the relationship you have with your earthly possessions has literally changed the lives of homes around the world. Liberating and wise, this book is as much a how-to guide as a philosophy that will enable you to live intentionally and start a new decluttered, happier life.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson
Sick of hearing how you have to be “positive” and “perfect” all the time? Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck might be the cure for that particular migraine. Make no mistake: this isn’t your typical self-help book. Manson doesn’t waste time trying to be nice or sugarcoat what it takes to be happy — instead, he cuts straight to the chase on how to realistically approach self-improvement and success (which don’t necessarily come hand-in-hand). In that respect, this self-help book is for anyone who would like a reality dose with a side of good old-fashioned swearing. Manson’s humor leans towards the profane and his talk tends towards the real — but sometimes that’s exactly what you need in order to get you off the couch and living your best life.  

Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip Heath
With the next decade upon us, you might already be thinking about reinvention and looking forward to putting a new you out there. But lasting change is truly hard to achieve, as many people with optimistic New Year’s resolutions soon find out. In Switch, Chip and Dan Heath examine just why this is. Story-driven and research-based, this self-help book is a revealing, informative inquest into the psychology and sociology of change. More than that, it’s a guide to how you can achieve permanent change — the kind with a capital C. Switch keeps this complicated subject simple and accessible, devoting its chapters to the three critical elements of change (the rational mind, the emotional mind, and the environment that influences our behavior). Indeed, change starts here — simply by reading this book.

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Why do we make New Year’s resolutions at the start of every year? Why do we then always fail to keep them? This clear-cut self-help manual aims to illuminate the answer: habits. In Atomic Habits, bestselling author and entrepreneur James Clear draws upon the fields of biology, psychology, and neuroscience to explain how habits shape the way we make progress and achieve success. More than that, he provides you the practical tools needed in order to change your own habits for the better. Whether your goal is something as personal as quitting smoking or as grand as mastering a sport, this self-help book is designed to be the first stepping-stone you can take to reach it.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius: one of the greatest warriors, leaders, and Roman emperors who ever lived. In his lifetime, he overcame the hardest struggles — commanding the war against Parthia, overcoming the threat of Germanic tribes from the north, fighting the Antonine Plague, and ruling the Roman Empire with self-restraint, competence, and deep humanity. And during all of those wars and years of hardship, Aurelius would write studiously in his private journal, establishing himself as one of the paramount philosopher kings in history. Today, those private journals are what we have left of him. Written between 170 to 180 A.D., Meditations remains a towering monument of Stoic philosophy, documenting Aurelius’ personal writings, thoughts, and ideas on Stoicism. This is a book of actionable advice with teachings about self-discipline, duty, death, and how to live according to reason and kindness that are still overwhelmingly relevant more than a millennia later. If any book other than the Bible has stood the test of time, it is this one.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Arguably one of the best self-help books of all time, Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now takes mindfulness to a new level by helping readers get intimately in touch with their own thoughts, and how destructive they are sometimes. We may mock those who talk to themselves on the street or subway, he says, but ultimately we’re doing that internally each and every day! Tolle argues that the solution is to live in the present moment — and while we’ve heard that all before, this is one of the best, time-tested books to articulate how to do it. And it’s worked, as millions of people all over the world have benefited from his masterful way of conquering the enemy that is the mind.


The Alchemist by Paul Coelho
This slim, enchanting fable of a book is worldwide bestseller — and a favorite of celebrities from Will Smith to Madonna. It’s not hard to understand why: The Alchemist packs a lot of wisdom in only 163 pages, which Coelho wrote in a two-week fit of inspiration. Even better, it packages self-help-style advice with a spell-binding story. Follow along as the Andalusian shepherd boy Santiago, beset with prophetic dreams, sets off for the Egyptian pyramids in search of a glorious treasure. Along the way, he’ll hobnob with kings, encounter betrayal. and even fall and love — teaching us how to reach for our own dreams in the process.

The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature comes with an endorsement from Bill Gates himself: “If I could give each of you a graduation present, it would be this — the most inspiring book I've ever read.” Pinker’s thesis — that violence in the world has actually declined in both the long and short run — is famously controversial, particularly if you care to point at all the major wars and genocides that the twentieth-century has witnessed. Yet Pinker draws upon a large amount of hard data and statistical analysis to persuasively argue his case, even presenting several political and psychological causes to explain how we might today be living in the most peaceful moment ever in our species’ existence. The next time you’re feeling cynical about the news of the moment, this is the book to pick up to remind yourself of the positive, more hopeful direction we’re heading in the future

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This slim, inspiring book draws on Toltec traditions to help readers attain freedom, happiness, and love. The Four Agreements centers on four promises you’re encouraged to make to yourself, from following through on your word to always doing your best. Ruiz’s advice was compelling enough to snag him an interview with Oprah in 2001 — an appearance that earned his motivational handbook a spot on the New York Times bestsellers list. Full of no-nonsense, actionable tips, The Four Agreements continues to inspire readers two decades after that fateful interview.

Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam Grant
The most common career advice for getting ahead is to put yourself first before others, and keep your good ideas close before someone else steals them and takes the credit. But Wharton professor Adam Grant noticed that study after study showed a different story: helping others actually improves your career’s trajectory dramatically. This mini-bible of charitable case studies will quite simply just blow your mind — and change the way you think about how you behave at work. Even the Scroogiest of Scrooges will find value (and perhaps relief) with Give and Take, now knowing that there’s scientific proof to goodwill. 

Book to read : 

Panduan Untuk Lulus Temuduga Kerajaan Dengan Mudah

2 panduan memulakan penternakan kambing 

3 panduan jana 4 angka seminggu di shopee

4 panduan memulakan bisnes tudung tanpa kedai 

Recommendation from my friend at BRC 

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction Paperback

William Zinsser

April 5, 2016, by William Zinsser  (Author), 4.7 out of 5 stars    2,689 ratings. On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet. Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, On Writing Well offers you fundamental priciples as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher. With more than a million copies sold, this volume has stood the test of time and remains a valuable resource for writers and would-be writers.

225 - Confesssion in Bahasa Malaysia

Norsanina.blogspot.com Pengenalan Kelahiran AlGhazali   Aboû Hâmid Muhammed Ibn Muhammad AlGhazali dilahirkan di kota Tus, Khurasan, pada ta...